
AUDA-NEPAD Policy Bridge Tank (APBT) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting

Meeting Agenda Transforming Africa's Future: The 100 Million MSME Initiative by AUDA-NEPAD Africa KAIZEN Initiative (AKI: 2017-2027) Home Grown Solutions Accelerator The Continental Extractive Industries Programme (CEIP) Economic Analysis and Foresight Unit Overview of the Industrializing Africa through Agro-processing, Trade and Investments (IAATI) Programme African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) Tourism and Creative Industries Programme AUDA-NEPAD Trade & Markets Unit Trade Facilitation and Logistics Programme

Date: Monday, 20th November 2023

Location: AUDA-NEPAD offices, Midrand, South Africa and virtually on TEAMS

Participants: APBT Technical Advisors, AUC NEPAD Office, and AUDA-NEPAD Programme Leads

The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) which presents a high-profile capability to tap into and leverage existing Africa’s own intellectual asserts and social and development systems analytical capability into informed and science-backed policy and investment choices in the planning and execution of national, regional, and continental development plans and strategies.