Jul 29, 2024 | Tenders

Consultancy to Develop Methodology, Template and Training Manuals for Updating the AU-FAO Study on the Value Of Fisheries 2014

REOI Consultancy to Develop Methodology Template and Training Manuals for Updating the AU-FAO Study on the Value of Fisheries 2014 rev 2_.pdf ToRs Consultancy to develop methodology, template and training manuals for updating the au-fao study on the value of fisheries 2014.pdf

AUDA-NEPAD, in partnership with AU-IBAR, spearheads the AU Programme of Fisheries Management and Aquaculture Development, aiming to enhance governance and sustainability in Africa's fisheries sector, aligning with the AU Agenda 2063. This initiative, guided by the PFRS and supported by the EU, involves the FishGov projects, focusing on institutional capacity building and policy coherence to boost food security, livelihoods, and wealth creation through sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. The ongoing FishGov-2 project seeks to ensure AU decisions are evidence-based, policies are aligned with PFRS, and Africa's participation in international forums is robust, including updating the 2014 AU-FAO study on the value of African fisheries.

The objectives of the assignment

The overall objective of this consultancy is to refine the methodology of the 2014 Value of African fisheries study.  The specific objectives are to:

  • Review and refine the methodology of the 2014 Value of African fisheries study in alignment with current knowledge, data and institutional capacities on the sector;
  • Develop a template and training manuals for updating the study.


Scope of work, activities, and Tasks

The general scope of work for the assignment includes the following key activities:

Approach and methodology

The consultancy is within the overall broad theme of ensuring that fisheries and aquaculture policies in Africa are coherent with the PFRS and are coordinated at continental, regional, and national levels to promote the sustainable utilisation and management of Africa’s fisheries and aquaculture resources within the context of climate change.

A major challenge undermining Africa’s effort to sustainably increase the contribution of its fisheries and aquaculture sector to food security, increased livelihood, and wealth creation, among others, is the limited capability of AU MS and RECs to implement policy reforms using evidence-based decision-making.

This activity of the FishGov-2 project seeks to address this by strengthening the institutional capacity of member states and regional bodies to identify, compile, analyse and manage socio-economic data of the fisheries and aquaculture sector on a regular basis to inform decision-making and highlight the need for increased investment for improved management of the sector.

Geographical area to be covered

The coverage of this consultancy will be continental, taking into account Regional and national capacities and perspectives.

Target groups

  • National authorities and institutions involved in fisheries and aquaculture management and planning.
  • Relevant AU bodies and other Continental organisations, Development Finance Institutions, and Trade Organisations
  • Regional Economic Communities
  • Regional fisheries / aquaculture bodies
  • Additional groups include knowledge-based institutions, non-state actors and the private sector

Specific work

The detailed tasks to be undertaken in this contract are outlined below.

Desk review of existing documentation on:

  • available data and capacities in participating AU Member States including from other relevant sources such as the FAO Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH) study, and FAO annual fisheries and aquaculture statistics
  • relevant methodologies for collection and compilation of similar data, such as the FSTAT FF questionnaires, socio-economic data collection and data collection for data limited fisheries, etc.

Development of a comparison matrix of available data from comparable sources such as those listed above, previous Value of African Fisheries study and data from knowledge-based institutions and current fisheries and aquaculture project initiatives, as appropriate

Draft an outline narrative report of available data mapped against potential data, together with the new proposed methodology, data collection template/s and training manual, to be presented at an online consultative workshop to experts and relevant stakeholder and subsequently modified to incorporate inputs.

Presentation of the final methodology, data collection template/s and training manual for online validation by AU MSs and relevant regional bodies and stakeholders

Final version of the validated methodology prepared for piloting in an AU member states workshop based on the approved data collection template/s and training manual.