
Regional ACJ reports and Learning Brief

rACJs Learning Brief EN.pdf 1_East Africa rAJC - English Report v2.pdf 1_East Africa rAJC - French Report v2.pdf 2_West Africa rAJC - English Report v2.pdf 2_West Africa rAJC - French Report v2.pdf 3_Central Africa rAJC - English Report v2.pdf 3_Central Africa rAJC - French Report v2.pdf 4_Southern Africa rAJC - English Report v2.pdf 4_Southern Africa rAJC - French Report v2.pdf 5_North Africa rACJ - English Report.pdf 5_North Africa rACJ - French Report.pdf

African Union (AU) member states individually and collectively are grappling with how to bring about transformative results in the development and growth of their economies. The African Union Commission (AUC) and African Union Development Agency’s New Partnership for African Development (AUDA-NEPAD) held dialogues in 2017 and 2018 (“Africa Talks Jobs”) to address youth employment and skills promotion across the continent.

To express a clear sense of purpose and to strengthen partnerships and scale up skills, the dialogue was transformed into ‘Africa Creates Jobs’ (ACJ). The ACJ aims to bring together stakeholders who influence skills and employment agendas in order to shape solutions.

In preparation for the ACJ! 2021 Continental Dialogue, five regional workshops were held between August and November 2021, with the purpose of bringing a wide range of stakeholders together to share experiences and identify solutions. The regional ACJs were informed by AUDA-NEPAD commissioned macro-economic studies which aimed to unpack the sub-sectors that would most benefit from skills development interventions.