Recent EU Safety Testing Debunks (Séralini’s) Claims that GMOs Cause Cancer

Recent EU Safety Testing Debunks (Séralini’s) Claims that GMOs Cause Cancer

Recent EU Safety Testing Debunks (Séralini’s) Claims that GMOs Cause Cancer

The findings from these projects provide further evidence that the conclusions from the controversial GM maize study by Séralini et al. were fatally flawed and cannot be used for any regulatory or policy decision making. They also further strengthen the large body of evidence that GM foods do not present any new risks. It is notable that some African governments, policy makers and regulatory institutions have based vital policy decisions on the very flawed findings of the Séralini et al. studies. As earlier stated in the ABNE Biosafety Brief 2013, “any negative decisions regarding GMOs based on this study lack merit and are scientifically unjustifiable”. There is therefore a need for a careful re-evaluation of any such decisions.