
Programme - Inception Think Tank Conference on African Futures

Inception Think Tank Conference on African Futures: Programme

AUDA-NEPAD’s Policy Bridge Tank Programme (APBT) aims to engage African Think Tanks to identify and address continental and regional challenges through evidence-based policy and knowledge services. Its main objective is to help translate socio-economic research output and connect knowledge to decision-making to build a solid and interlinked African-driven and evidence-based development programming.

As part of its flagship events, the APBT is holding its first Annual Conference on the theme on African Futures.  This year the conference will be held in Addis Ababa from the 10th to the 12th of January 2024 and will be hosted by AUDA-NEPAD Policy Bridge Tank in collaboration with the African Futures & Innovation (AFI) program at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS).

The event will focus on providing foresight evidence on Africa’s development prospects that is backed by rigorous research stemming from African think tanks. The conference will draw on the contribution from African think tanks/research centres, the AU Commission, Africa’s eight Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Member  States, the diplomatic community and international organisations in Addis Ababa. The in-person conference will bring together experts, academics, policy-makers and practitioners to engage, partake and provide experiences and evidence on Africa’s long-term development prospects.

The conference will be conducted over two days from 10 to 11 January 2024, followed by a one day, 12th January, foresight training workshop on the African Futures website and the International Futures (IFs) forecasting platform. The conference and training will be for in-person attendance only and simultaneous translation will be available, by invitation only