
March 2023 | Habari | AUDA-NEPAD Newsletter

March 2023 | Habari | AUDA-NEPAD Newsletter

AUDA-NEPAD Celebrating Women at the Agency and in Africa during Women’s Month


AUDA-NEPAD is celebrating African women and reflecting on women’s empowerment during international women’s month. See and listen to what AUDA-NEPAD colleagues had to say as the agency works towards a more equitable society to achieve the Agenda 2063 Vision.  READ MORE>




Celebrating women and empowering communities


In recognition of the role of women in the Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) Programme and as part of celebrating the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2023, the African Union Development Agency (AUDANEPAD), in collaboration with the Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP) Secretariat and the World Food Programme held a capacity building training for women in the HGSF Programme to equip them with innovative tools to build their digital capacity and promote their leadership skills. READ MORE>




Promoting Decent Jobs for Rural Youth in Africa


The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching consequences for Africa. According to McKinsey’s report on Tackling COVID-19 In Africa - An unfolding health and economic crisis that demands bold action, economic losses and job cuts in Africa are estimated at $200 billion and 200 million respectively.

To address some of the obstacles that limit the potential of young people, the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) has partnered with several development partners through its Rural Futures Initiative to tackle the mismatch between the education system and emerging livelihood opportunities in rural areas.  READ MORE> 




Capacity building for 10 selected African MSMEs in digital solutions for green infrastructure and cross-border trade


The second Dakar Financing Summit for Africa’s Infrastructure held at CICAD, included round tables, official speeches and meetings between public and private partners. The Summit aimed to mobilising key stakeholders around the efforts of the African Union and AUDA-NEPAD to accelerate the implementation of priority regional infrastructure projects, the Summit brought together the highest decision-makers from the public and private sectors to find practical ways to improve project preparation and align project needs with existing funding initiatives.  READ MORE>




African Regulators and Decision Makers Visit Biotech and Biosafety Institutions and Farms in India


India is the leading cotton-producing country in the world, with almost 12 million hectares cultivated in 2019, and 94% of the cotton produced was genetically modified. It is in this regard that AUDA-NEPAD’s African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE), in partnership with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India and Michigan State University (MSU), USA, organised a Biotechnology and Biosafety regulatory study tour for African regulators and decision makers to the country in February 2023.  READ MORE>




Artificial Intelligence is at the core of discussions in Rwanda as the AU High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies convenes experts to draft the AU-AI Continental Strategy


The African Union High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET) and the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) recently convened African Artificial Intelligence experts at a
Writing Workshop in Kigali, Rwanda from February 27 to March 3, 2023, to finalise the drafting of the African Union Artificial Intelligence (AU-AI) Continental Strategy for Africa.

The goal is to develop a comprehensive strategy that will guide African countries on how to support inclusive and sustainable AI-enabled socioeconomic transformation. An AIdriven socio-economic approach has the potential to promote economic growth and development by creating new industries and jobs, increasing productivity, and improving efficiency, which ultimately leads to elevated prosperity and better living standards for all Africans. Read More>




Connecting East Africa through the Green Infrastructure Corridors for Intra-African Trade Programme


The Green Infrastructure Corridors for Intra-African Trade Programme, jointly implemented by the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), the Central Corridor Transit Transport Facilitation
Agency (CCTTFA) and Deutsche Gesellschaft fu
̈r Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), is a critical initiative that seeks to improve the infrastructure and transport systems of African countries, and
encourage intra-regional trade under the framework of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA). The selected projects under the programme have the potential to drive economic growth, create jobs, and reduce carbon emissions.  READ MORE>