
January - February 2024 | Habari | AUDA-NEPAD Newsletter

Jan - Feb 2024 | Habari | AUDA-NEPAD Newsletter

In this issue:

  1. Energising Africa - Message by the AUDA-NEPAD Chief Executive Officer, H.E. Ms Nardos Bekele-Thomas, - 2023 Annual Report
  2. Reflections on the TICAD Journey: 30 Years of Achievements and Africa’s Development Prospects
  3. Insights on the Year of Education
  4. Powering Africa’s Future by 2063: Making Electricity Accessible for Everyone
  5. Mobilising Sustainable Nutrition Financing: Insights from the African Union Summit High-level Nutrition Side Event
  6. AU and AUDA-NEPAD Host Knowledge Marketplace
  7. AUDA-NEPAD’s Pursuit of a Comprehensive Approach to Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development
  8. Up Close and Personal with Mr Amine Idriss Adoum, Director of Infrastructure and
  9. Energy, Industrialisation,Trade and Regional Integration
  10. Up Close and Personal with Mrs Estherine Lisinge-Fotabong, Director of Agriculture, Food Security and Environmental Sustainability
  11. Strengthening Africa’s Development: Uniting Efforts through Collaboration
  12. Call for MSME-led Digital Solutions Forge Valuable Connections with Investors and Partners
  13. Dakar Financing Summit 2023: Paving the Way for Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Africa
  14. Dr Koussao Some - New Director General of the National Biosafety Agency in Burkina Faso