
Home-Grown Solutions Accelerator: Learnings from 3 years of healthcare venture acceleration

Home-Grown Solutions Accelerator: Learnings from 3 years of healthcare venture acceleration

The healthcare landscape is perpetually evolving, characterized by challenges that call for innovative solutions. These solutions are not just about responding to immediate needs; they are about ensuring the resilience and sustainability of our health systems to withstand outbreaks, disasters, or other unforeseen challenges. It is within this context that the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) has committed itself to transforming the health sector through homegrown solutions and extensive investments, aligning with the aspirations of Agenda 2063. This ambitious agenda seeks to empower African citizens, among others, making them more productive by fostering a health sector that is robust, innovative, and accessible to all.

The Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063 sets forth eight critical targets that we aim to achieve within this decade of accelerated actions. These targets range from increasing access to quality primary healthcare services, reducing mortality rates across various demographics, and combating communicable diseases to ensuring comprehensive antiretroviral coverage for those living with HIV. These goals underscore the importance of health in achieving the broader vision of a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development.

To realize these targets, we must galvanize support from all stakeholders to bridge funding gaps and promote uniquely African solutions. The essence of homegrown solutions lies in their capacity to tackle local challenges through innovative, culturally sensitive, and sustainable means. By leveraging local expertise, resources, and technology, we can develop healthcare interventions that not only meet the immediate needs of our communities but also pave the way for long-lasting health improvements and economic empowerment.

Over the past three years, the Home-Grown Solutions Accelerator has been a testament to what can be achieved when innovation meets determination. We have supported our HGS companies to go on to raise $46 million and have impacted over 13 million patients across more than 30 countries. These figures are a clear indication of our collective ambition to build resilient healthcare systems that can endure and thrive despite the challenges.

This report is a comprehensive account of the lessons learned and the strides made in accelerating healthcare innovation across the continent. From pioneering business models and achieving operational excellence to navigating investment landscapes and fostering an enabling regulatory environment, the insights contained herein are invaluable. They reflect our unwavering commitment to fostering growth, innovation, and resilience within Africa's healthcare sector.

However, our journey is far from over. We continue to face significant challenges, including ensuring healthcare accessibility and affordability, overcoming market expansion complexities, addressing the saturation in the healthcare market, navigating funding disparities, and dealing with regulatory hurdles. These challenges demand our attention, collective action, and innovative thinking.

As we look to the future, our resolve remains firm. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in healthcare, breaking down barriers, and setting new standards of excellence. This report is not just a reflection on our past achievements but a roadmap for the journey ahead—a journey marked by collaboration, innovation, and a shared vision for a healthier Africa.