
Habari | AUDA-NEPAD Newsletter - November 2020 Edition

Nov 2020 - Habari Newsletter.pdf

 Some of the Top Stories

 Africa has the potential to make renewable energy the engine of its growth 

In Rio in 1992, representatives of 172 countries met in Rio to define the basis for sustainable development and adopt a set of 27 principles on future development directions. Almost thirty years later, the state of the planet still causes great concern and despite some progress, the results are not enough. For the African continent, the stakes are twofold. While Africa is the region of the globe that contributes the least to greenhouse gas emissions, it is the first to be impacted by climate change. READ MORE>

Inclusive governance and regional focus will help drive Africa’s industrialization 

Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki spoke to Africa Renewal’s Kingsley Ighobor on the African Union-United Nations partnership, COVID-19 response, Africa’s development and other issues. These are excerpts from the interview.change. READ MORE>

Africa: Lessons learned so far from the COVID-19 pandemic 

It took only six months to shatter both our habits and our assumptions. Those who thought that Africa would lag behind as well as those who saw us as invincible were wrong. Let’s take a look at the last few months, at what we’ve learnt and what we still have to learn.

Many wonder whether the continent has thwarted all predictions regarding the spread of the virus. Even the
experts, imagining the worst, got it wrong: the virus spread at a slower rate in Africa than it did in Europe or across the Americas. 

More than 70 Regional Infrastructure Projects lined up for Second Phase of Program for Infrastructure Development Program (PIDA)

According to the AfDB, real GDP in Africa is projected to contract by 1.7% in 2020, dropping by 5.6 percentage points from the January 2020 pre-COVID–19 projection. This contraction in the economy could result in losses of up to $145.5bn.

We will therefore need to be resilient to what we cannot change and efficient in our economic development strategies by building on our strengths and addressing our weaknesses. READ MORE>

The Southern Africa Tuberculosis and Health Systems Support Research and Publication Interventions

The Southern Africa Tuberculosis and Health Systems Support (SATBHSS) project is a regional project launched in 2016 with the aim of strengthening the health sector’s response to Tuberculosis and occupational lung diseases. It is implemented in four Southern African Development Community (SADC) Member States: Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia. The African Union Development Agency – NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) and East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC) collaborate to provide technical support in project implementation in the participating countries. READ MORE>


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