Communique: PIDA Week 2019

Communique: PIDA Week 2019

Communique: PIDA Week 2019

1. We, Ministers and delegates to the Fifth PIDA Week and the organizing and partners institutions, African Union Commission (AUC), African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the other African Union Members States, the Regional Economic Communities, the African Development Bank (AfDB), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the German Cooperation, the European Union (EU), the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Private Sector representatives, as well as distinguished invitees;

2. Express our sincere gratitude to the Government and the People of the Arab Republic of Egypt, for hosting this PIDA Week and for the warm hospitality accorded to us;

3. Reaffirm the crucial role of PIDA in the achievement of the main goals of the AU Agenda 2063 for continental integration, prosperity and peace;

4. Reiterate our commitment to develop integrated and efficient systems through the application of sound policies and development strategies with a view to enhancing efficiency, sustainability and affordability of transport, energy, ICT and water services, in line with AU Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals;

5. Acknowledge the diligent work accomplished during 2019 which was presented in the PIDA Annual Implementation report; and Take note with appreciation of the detailed status reports and updates on the projects presented during the PIDA Week;

6. Further acknowledge the Digital Transformation Strategy (DTS) for Africa and encourage all stakeholders to speed up its implementation upon its adoption by the Assembly with a view to fully benefit from its huge potential for Africa’s socio-economic transformation and the attainment of the objectives of the Agenda 2063;

7. Note with appreciation the validation of the PIDA PAP 2 process (integrated corridor approach and project selection criteria) by the Bureau of the STC on Transport, Intercontinental and Interregional Infrastructure, Energy and Tourism (STC TTIIET) on behalf of the STC-TTIIET and invite the AUC, AUDA- NEPAD, AfDB and UNECA to implement the recommendations of the Bureau of the STC;

8. Acknowledge the significance of the maritime transport sector as a key component for PIDA PAP 2 integrated corridor approach; and Encourage African Union Member States to join the Single African Air Transport Market, and other key infrastructure projects particularly facilitating transportation for fast tracking the operationalization of AFCFTA.

9. Welcome the revival of the involvement of African and international private sector, the academia as well as partners to promote technical and financial contribution to PIDA projects.

10. Welcome the launch of the African Network for Women in Infrastructure

(ANWIn) and express our support for the network;


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