
AUDA-NEPAD Publications

2023 AUDA-NEPAD Annual Report AUDA-NEPAD in Brief Agenda 2063 Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan (2024 – 2033) Energize Africa Initiative - Project Document Team Africa - Joint Resource Mobilisation Campaign PIDA First 10-Year Implementation Report The Triple Nexus on Peace Security and Development – Programme on Socio-Economic Development in Post Conflict States

The African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) is the development agency of the African Union, established to coordinate and execute priority regional and continental development projects to promote regional integration towards the accelerated realization of Agenda 2063 – Africa’s vision and action plan. It is a technical body of the African Union, aiming to enhance Africa's competitiveness in the global economy.

AUDA-NEPAD’s mission revolves around facilitating and coordinating the development of continent-wide programs and projects, mobilizing resources and engaging the global community, African governments, and the private sector in implementing these initiatives. Its work spans various sectors, including agriculture, health, education, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability, reflecting a comprehensive approach to addressing the continent’s developmental challenges.