AUDA-NEPAD Habari Newsletter: August 2022

AUDA-NEPAD Habari Newsletter: August 2022

AUDA-NEPAD Habari Newsletter: August 2022

In this Edition:

  • Enabling Digital and Data Services for Expanded Economic Growth and Development in Africa

  • Call to Action for the AU Year of Nutrition and Food Security by African Youth and Media

  • Nigeria adopts national guidelines on genetically modified plants with stacked genes

  • Leveraging Smart Technologies to Tackle Gender-Based Violence in Africa

  • Boosting the Safety and Security of Mobile Money Transfer Transactions in Africa

  • Southern African countries explore innovative ideas to tackle environmental challenges

  • Up-Close and Personal with Agenda 2063 Media Network Member

  • Celebration of AUDA-NEPAD CEO, HE Ms Nardos Bekele-Thomas, first 100 days in office

To view the complete Newsletter, click here