In 2018, the African Energy Ministers1 from African Union (AU) Member States formulated an ambitious vision of a continent-wide, interconnected power system capable of addressing Africa’s electricity challenges while aligning with overarching goals of universal access, integrated world-class infrastructure, trade promotion within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) framework, and sustainable development. This vision is in line with the principles embedded in the Pan-African vision and those endorsed by the AU Agenda 2063.
Foreseeing the establishment of a Single Electricity Market for Africa (AfSEM), the energy ministers proposed unifying the power system across 55 countries to serve more than 2 billion people – an undertaking that would position Africa as one of the world’s largest electricity markets, deliver universal access, create new economic opportunities, and open avenues for trade partnerships with the European Union (EU) and the Middle East.
This ambition found validation in a 2019 Executive Council Decision during the AU Summit in Niamey (Niger), affirming the AU’s commitment to a continental power system. To translate this vision into reality, the African Union Development Agency – New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD) was entrusted with the development of a Continental Masterplan (CMP) for electricity.
Fifty-four African countries have signed the Paris Agreement and submitted ambitious Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). Global commitments to curb carbon emissions have influenced the international energy landscape, investor sentiments, financial accessibility, and national priorities. The CMP emerges as an opportunity to formulate a coherent continental development trajectory cognisant of climate commitments and sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Initiated in 2020 through collaborative efforts involving the African Union Commission (AUC), African Development Bank (AfDB), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), regional power pools2, the EU, and other development partners, the CMP underwent a meticulous three-year planning process. This energy plan was ratified on 15 September 2023 – reaffirming Africa’s commitment to sustainable and interconnected electricity solutions.
This briefing note encapsulates key outcomes and recommendations, offering insights into the comprehensive planning process and the extensive studies and scenario analyses that mapped the course to meeting the continent’s power needs. It gives insight into the current status of the power system, forecasted demand, an assessment of available resources on the continent, suitable pathways for delivery of the plan, the contribution from across the continent, the investment requirements, and the infrastructure needed to enable the required energy flows and trade.