Dec 28, 2015 | News

Regional integration key to growth and sustainable development, say senior African officials at annual Africa Week

High-level officials meeting in New York on Monday for the annual Africa Week highlighted the critical role of regional integration in ensuring growth and sustainable development in Africa. Speaking to delegates, the CEO of the NEPAD Agency Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki said that the Regional Economic Communities were central to development. He highlighted three areas that require urgent and immediate attention: job creation, youth empowerment and industrialisation. 

The CEO encouraged governments to consider speeding up its support to the youth by introducing vocational studies and increasing access to finance. The CEO reiterated the need for the inclusiveness of the youth in the broader development agenda.

Delegates agreed that at times human impediments contributed to the unsuccessful attempts by countries to boost regional integration, particularly in the areas of free movement of goods, services and people across the borders. The meeting recommended the removal or relaxation of these impediments to facilitate the free and easy movement of people and goods. 

Source: NEPAD