CAADP Compact: Malawi signed the CAADP Compact on 19April 2010.

Capacity Building: Demand-driven, modular, short-term pilot measures for agricultural training (along selected value chains) were offered by public and private agricultural training institutions for 200 young ‘agripreneurs’ of which 60 were women.  

NEPAD also supported Malawi in conducting an Independent Technical Review (ITR) of the NAIP from 10 – 16 September 2010. Malawi’s investment plan known as the Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAp) focuses on three areas: food security and risk management, commercial agriculture, agro-processing and market development, and sustainable agricultural land and water management.  Malawi also received support in conducting Agricultural Joint Sector Reviews (JSRs) practices using the Monitoring African Food and Agricultural Policies (MAFAP) tools. A public expenditure study on the country’s agricultural sector was carried out in 2013.

Malawi is one of the countries receiving support in establishing its Strategic Analysis Knowledge Support System (SAKSS) to inform and guide the CAADP implementation process.

Business: Its first CAADP Business Meeting was held from 28 - 29 September 2011. 

Funding: Malawi received funding from the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP), a multilateral mechanism by the G20 to address funding of country and regional agriculture, amounting to amounting to USD 39.6 million.


  • The fertilizer subsidy programme started in 2004/2005 has resulted in increased yields in the first six years.  For the first time in many years Malawi registered surplus harvests after the introduction of the Fertiliser Subsidy Input Programme (FISP), with the average being 1.2 million metric tons.  
  • Increased productivity and production has resulted in food self-sufficiency in the first six years of FISP
  • FISP has contributed to increased farm incomes and therefore a reduction in poverty in the first six years
  • Engagement of the private sector through public-private partnerships has proven to be essential in the agricultural sector.
  • Other best practices in Malawi include the uptake of nutrition sensitive agriculture production, intensified use of certified seeds and the increased use of drip irrigation.

Investment Plan

Signed Country Compact

Technical Review Report

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