
Pledging conference for the horn of Africa

Addis Ababa, 4 August 2011– The Horn of Africa and in particular, Somalia, is experiencing the most severe drought of the past five decades. Over twelve (12) million people are affected by drought and famine. The deteriorating situation is leading to a grave humanitarian crisis. Urgent humanitarian assistance is crucial to alleviate the impact of the drought which has deprived people from water, sanitation, health, basic food and nutritional needs.

In this regard, the African Union has appealed to its Member States to raise resources in order to respond immediately to the situation and save lives in the Horn of Africa. A Pledging Conference on the Situation in the Horn of Africa that was earlier planned for 9th  August will now be convened on 25th August 2011 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Conference is meant to galvanize resources on the continent primarily in order to fill the funding gap, put together an emergency response, and to sensitize African leaders and the international community on medium and long terms crisis mitigation strategy. The African private sector, the Non-Governmental Organizations and African Union Partners are invited to participate in the Conference.

Prior to the Pledging Conference, 15th of August will be a special day dedicated to African voice call on the humanitarian situation in the Horn of Africa and in Somalia in particular where the life of 3.3 million is endangered. This day will be earmarked in all African Union Member States.

The African Union calls upon all good wills, the African private sector and all African entities to stand for Africa and contribute to the success of the conference.