
Concept note: Development of AUDA-NEPAD Strategy 2024 - 2028

Concept note: Development of AUDA-NEPAD Strategy 2024 - 2028

The African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) is critical in coordinating and executing priority continental and regional development programmes and projects. To effectively execute its mandate, a robust strategy is essential. This retreat will focus on high level comprehensive strategy development process, incorporating a strategy development framework's five core elements: Winning Aspiration; Where-To-Play; How-To-Win; Must Have Capabilities; and Enabling Management Systems. And specifically undertake the following tasks:

  1. Reflect on the past performance and use of lessons from the last five years of implementing the recently ended strategic plan 2023;
  2. Set the strategic orientation and priorities of the AUDA-NEPAD for the period 2024 to 2028 within the context of AU-wide MTP and AU reforms;
  3. Propose ways of strengthening AUDA-NEPAD’s delivery model including, the fostering of multi-partner/multi-systems implementation arrangements, use of complementarities with the AUC and the RECs;
  4. Review and reflect recent Organisational Development assessment outcomes and develop robust organizational lifecycle development (leadership, governance, People Process Systems and Culture.
  5. Consider the capabilities and management systems that are required to effectively function as a development agency of the African Union.
  6. Catalyze delivering results along medium term priorities and needs while simultaneously addressing desired change at the level of systemic, transformative results.

The retreat also serves as an opportunity for AUDA-NEPAD to:

- Appraise and analyse AUDA-NEPAD's internal effectiveness and the programme portfolio along a precise set of high-impact priority areas, which reflect underlying socio-economic growth and inclusive development issues that countries are most concerned with in the immediate- and medium terms.