May 25, 2024 | CEO Blog

CEO’s Africa Day Message - 25 May 2024

By H.E. Mrs Nardos Bekele-Thomas

My Fellow Africans,Today marks the 61st  anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity. I am privileged to have the opportunity to commemorate our past, reflect on our present, and envision our future. Today, we come together to celebrate the unity, diversity, and the cradle of humanity—Africa. The origin of more than 2,000 languages, religions, and traditions. World Africa Day marks an occasion to honor our common history and shared values.

On this day, we celebrate our honorable legacy and those who fought bravely for our freedom and self-determination, establishing the foundation upon which our countries stand today.

This year, we also embrace the AU theme of the year: "Educate an Africa Fit for the 21st Century." This theme is pivotal as we strive to equip our youth with the tools they need to drive Africa’s economic transformation.

Over the last two years, I have had the singular privilege to lead the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD). My colleagues and I have committed to promoting the core principles and values of the African Union and the vision of “The Africa We Want.”

We are charting a future for Africans, by Africans, envisioning a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development. This vision includes an integrated continent, politically united, and grounded in the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance, prioritizing technology and innovation as accelerators of development and unlocking the potential of youth and women for a prosperous African society.


Education is the cornerstone of development. In the 21st century, it is imperative that our education systems are innovative, inclusive, and adaptable to the rapid changes in technology and the global economy. Our youth, the torchbearers of tomorrow, must be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate and lead in a complex world.

Africa is expected to have a youth population of 664 million by 2030. Through AUDA-NEPAD's flagship program, Energize Africa, we are addressing the critical needs of African youth, particularly in education, skills development, and employment. This initiative aims to harness the capabilities of young Africans to drive accelerated and inclusive socio-economic growth across the continent, equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in the modern economy, creating opportunities, and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

Energize Africa seeks to build a future where African youth are empowered to lead the continent towards prosperity and innovation, utilizing technology and digital literacy, free from socio-economic challenges.

In February 2024, AUDA-NEPAD launched WorldSkills Africa during the Heads of State and Government Summit to reinforce the AU Theme of the Year for 2024 on Education. WorldSkills Africa aims to promote TVET and skills development on the continent. In 2025, AUDA-NEPAD, together with the government of Zambia, will host the next continental WorldSkills Africa Competition to rally Member States to mobilize partnerships for capacity building and sponsorship of the event.

Despite Africa’s strong youth demographic, the continent faces challenges in creating a skilled workforce suitable for the job market. Recognizing the importance of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), AUDA-NEPAD is implementing the Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) Programme. This program supports innovative skills development across the continent, with a special focus on supporting women and youth from low-income backgrounds. We have ensured that training content aligns with the 21st-century labor market, enhancing employability through practical on-the-job training.

While we celebrate our progress, we also recognize the challenges that remain: poverty, hunger, social inequality, and lack of access to quality education still affect many parts of Africa. As we reflect on our journey, let us renew our commitment to Agenda 2063 to build a better future for all Africans.

Through drivers such as the AfCFTA, we aim to foster more initiatives to boost our economic growth and integration, enhance digital trade, facilitate e-commerce, and promote the free movement of people and goods across borders.

Pan-Africanism is built on the belief that our destinies are intertwined. At AUDA-NEPAD, we are dedicated to upholding our shared history and heritage while driving forward with bold and innovative solutions for our future.

As we celebrate Africa Day and move towards the realization of Agenda 2063, I urge you all to embrace this moment with audacity and vision. Let us seize this opportunity to create an Africa where youth are empowered, economic transformation drives our development, and our rich heritage is celebrated.

Thank you.