
AUDA-NEPAD 2023 Annual Report

AUDA-NEPAD 2023 Annual Report - English Rapport annuel de l'AUDA-NEPAD 2023 - Français

2023 resonates with profound significance for the African continent, marking a decisive moment in our shared pursuit of development and unity. As we commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the continent’s inaugural post-independence continental institution, we take stock of progress and shortfalls in the realisation of the pan-African vision for a continent united, free and in control of its destiny.

2023 signifies not only a tribute to the contributions of our founding mothers and fathers, the daughters and sons of Africa, both on the continent and in the diaspora, but also marks the end of the First 10-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063. AUDA-NEPAD, alongside the African Union Commission (AUC), has wrapped up a comprehensive evaluation, paving the way for the formulation of the Second 10-Year Implementation Plan (2024-2033) that will set Africa's course for the next decade of acceleration.

The evaluation process, which involved the active participation of all 55 African Union Member States, represents a historic collective effort and inclusive approach to assessing the progress and impact of Agenda 2063’s initial phase. Through comprehensive consultations, reviews, and assessments, AUDA-NEPAD and AUC tapped into the insights, data, and feedback from Member States, showcasing a united front in gauging the progress and impact of Agenda 2063. The outcome of the evaluation shows that the first decade of Agenda 2063 provided Africa with a unique opportunity for all 55 AU Member States to galvanise around a common development agenda.

As we close the chapter on the First 10-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063, it is clear that Africa has made giant leaps, especially in infrastructure development and economic integration. However, it is equally important to acknowledge that the continent is not on track towards achieving all 20 goals. Most notably, these include continental efforts towards realising a high standard of living, quality of life, and well-being for all, transformed economies and job creation.

We are ushering in a dawn for the continent through the Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan (STYIP) spanning 2024 to 2033 that will shape the future of our beloved continent. The Second Decade of Agenda 2063 has been declared the Decade of Acceleration, building on the gains made, addressing the challenges, and recognising areas where acceleration is needed to meet our collective goals.

Seven moonshots that embody the ambitions of Agenda 2063 have been identified to accelerate progress.

By 2033, Africa wants:

Agenda 2063 Moonshots


To address one of the critical drawbacks of the First 10-Year Implementation Plan – the lack of costing - AUDA-NEPAD, working closely with the Commission and development partners, led the preparation of the costing framework of the STYIP. To realise our targets and ambitions over the next decade, we will require USD 8.9 trillion. In this regard, AUDA-NEPAD has launched a joint continental resource mobilisation and programming initiative dubbed Team Africa in collaboration with the AUC, RECs, and other key stakeholders.

Team Africa seeks to domesticate and support the implementation of the STYIP at both regional and national levels by optimising the benefits of regional integration. Team Africa serves as a testament to the collective aspirations and ambitions of the African continent in addressing our developmental challenges through indigenous solutions.

This year, we also celebrated the remarkable impact of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA). Over the past decade, PIDA has been a game changer in shaping the infrastructure landscape of our continent, laying the foundation for sustainable growth and prosperity. Through strategic investments in transport, energy, water, and ICT infrastructure, PIDA, through the first PIDA Priority Action Plan (PIDA-PAP 1), has connected communities and facilitated trade, empowered African economies and improved the livelihoods of millions. Close to 30 million people gained access to electricity, with current overall access to electricity at around 44%. There has been a slight increase in intra-Africa exports to 16% of trade due to road and rail infrastructure. Furthermore, 112,900 direct and 49,400 indirect jobs were created during the construction and operation of PIDA projects.

Looking ahead, we commit to building upon these successes, aligning projects with our collective aspirations for regional integration, industrialisation, and the realisation of Agenda 2063. Working shoulder to shoulder with our Member States and development partners, we will ensure the efficient implementation of the PIDA Priority Action Plan, fostering sustainable development, job creation, and poverty reduction across the continent. In this regard, our staff will work tirelessly to secure the investment interests of USD 175 Million for the 22 high-impact PIDA projects following the historic Second Dakar Financing Summit, hosted by H.E. Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal.

Under Agriculture, Food Security and Environmental Sustainability, AUDA-NEPAD partnered with the AUC, RECs, and partners to support 49 Member States in tracking and reporting progress on agricultural goals and Malabo Declaration 2025 targets and completed the 4th CAADP Biennial Review (BR) Report. The BR is a critical tool to accelerate continental, regional and national efforts in collectively driving agricultural transformation.

Moreover, our advocacy has extended to establishing Africa’s Common Position on Climate Change at global fora to ensure fair climate financing and programming for the continent. To this end, I am pleased to announce that on the 3rd of December 2023, on the margins of COP28, AUDA-NEPAD signed a host agreement with the Government of Egypt for the establishment of an AUDA-NEPAD Centre of Excellence on Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation (AUDA-NEPAD CRAC), in Egypt. The CRAC is another milestone achievement towards Africa’s pledge to tackle issues of Climate Resilience and Adaptation.

Throughout the year, we continued to put people-centred development at the centre of programming and implementation. Under our Flagship Initiative, Energize Africa, we forged partnerships and engaged with youth to uplift Africa’s greatest resource. We advanced the 100 Million MSME Initiative to transform Africa’s micro-,small and medium-sized enterprises. We mobilised a Euro 20 million commitment to support programmes on youth, gender, and women’s economic empowerment in three Regional Economic Communities.

At every step, we have spared no effort or resources to realise the aspirations of our founding mothers and fathers. The results outlined in this report underscore our determination and commitment to charting our course for the future; I am immensely proud.

With the unwavering commitment of our Member States, partners, and dedicated staff, I am confident that AUDA-NEPAD will continue to be at the forefront of driving the continent's development agenda and energising Africa.