
2023 Decision on Domestic Health Financing (ALM-INVESTING IN HEALTH)

2023 Decision on Domestic Health Financing (ALM-INVESTING IN HEALTH)

The Assembly,

1. TAKES NOTE of the progress that has been made in the operationalisation of the Regional Health Financing Hubs (RHFH) in the SADC and EAC; and URGES Member States and RECs to proactively support the roll-out of the RHFHs’ within the remaining regions to ensure the ALM commitments are domesticated in line with national priorities;

2. NOTES WITH APPRECIATION the commitments of key development partners in their ongoing support of the ALM agenda and demonstrating their commitment towards increased domestic investments in health;

3. TAKES NOTE of the commitment of the Government of Malawi to hold the first National Health Financing dialogue (NHFD) and; ENCOURAGES Members States to engage in the NHFDs in order to explore paths toward sustainable financing of their National Health Architecture in line with the continental commitments of the ALM;

4. URGES AUDA-NEPAD to prioritise research efforts in high-impact areas such as Health Research and Development, which are essential elements in boosting domestic resource allocations and supporting the realisation of the overarching ALM Declaration;

5. REAFFIRMS the need to retain the momentum of the Domestic Health Financing Agenda; and FURTHER REQUESTS the continued support of Member States in the allocation of domestic resources for the effective and sustained implementation of the ALM, which includes a) the establishment and operationalization of Regional Health Financing Hubs, as well as their operational costs; b) the biennial meeting of Ministers of Health and Finance; and c) hosting, managing, and yearly updating of the Africa Scorecard Website;

6. APPRECIATES the piloting of the domestic health financing tracker that will enable AU Member States to track step-by-step progress of resource allocation and key reforms towards increased domestic financing. URGES that going forward, the professionalization and upgrading of community health worker programs should be a priority for the domestic health financing agenda;

7. EXTENDS gratitude to the leadership of H.E. President Paul Kagame, leader on the ALM – Investing in Health initiative.