Jul 20, 2023 | News

Malawi reviews biosafety applications for field trials of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant GM maize

Malawi reviews biosafety applications for field trials of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant GM maize

On 3-4 July 2023, in Lilongwe , Malawi, AUDA-NEPAD’s biosafety flagship programme provided technical support to Malawi for the review of its applications for confined field trials (CFTs) of genetically modified maize. About 20 participants, including members of the National Biosafety Regulatory Committee, attended the meeting. 

Malawi continues to expand its biotech crop technological portfolio by introducing new GM crops and traits. The country has received three applications for the conduct of CFTs of GM maize, bearing traits for insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, and a combination of both insect resistance and herbicide tolerance traits.

In the past few years, maize farming in African countries has been heavily affected by the fall armyworm and other pests that destroy crops thus undermining productivity. Up to now, the efficacy of bio-pesticides and chemicals tested against these pests has proved low, hence the need to also test other technological options to preserve and increase crop yield.

During the meeting, a presentation was made on the outcome of the preliminary review that was undertaken in September 2022 with the support of AUDA-NEPAD. An expert commissioned to review and provide expert opinion on the applications also presented his findings and recommendation, for the Committee to further assess and decide on the applications. Finally, the members of the NBRC held closed sessions for deliberations and the drafting of decision documents.

The technical support of the AUDA-NEPAD Biosafety Programme in the review process is critical to ensure full compliance with national biosafety legal instruments and international best practices. The key mandate of AUDA-NEPAD’s Biosafety Programme is to support African countries to safely harness modern biotechnology to help enhance crop productivity and improve food security and nutrition in the continent. This mandate is aligned with the African Union’s Agenda 2063  Aspiration 1, which envisions “a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development, and Goal Number 5, which targets “Modern agriculture for increased productivity and production.”