Mar 02, 2022 | News

Commemoration of the 7th African Day of School Feeding

During the commemoration of the 7th African Day of School Feeding, the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD launched the Guidelines for Design and Implementation of Home-Grown School Feeding.

Home Grown School Feeding has been recognised by African leaders for its contribution to human resources and capital development in the continent and for having an important role in inclusive development, health, rural development, gender equality and inclusive education, particularly for the poor and socially marginalised communities.

Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development of Nigeria, Hon. Sadiya Umar Farouq

Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development of Nigeria, Hon. Sadiya Umar Farouq

Dr Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of AUDA-NEPAD launched the continental Guidelines for the Design and Implementation of Home-Grown School Feeding. The CEO stated that, “Greater numbers of school children are now receiving school meals. Data compiled by the African Union and the AUDA-NEPAD outlines that about 65.4 million children in 51 countries now benefit from school feeding in Africa, a massive increase from 38.4 million in 2013. In terms of funding, the continent has witnessed a shift from a reliance on international donors to a greater share in domestic funding which illustrates the increased commitment to school feeding by African governments.”

“Today is a very special occasion to launch the first ever AUDA-NEPAD continental guidelines which were supported by the World Food Programme, Regional Economic Communities, Member States and partners. These guidelines are strategically aimed to restore, reinforce, redesign, and implement the Home-Grown School Feeding programme in Africa,” Dr Mayaki said.

NEPAD Nigeria CEO Princess Gloria Akobundu flanked by AUDA-NEPAD staff

NEPAD Nigeria CEO Princess Gloria Akobundu flanked by AUDA-NEPAD staff

In Abuja, Nigeria’s National Home-Grown School Feeding Programme, a government-led cost-effective school feeding programme that uses locally grown farm produce to feed pupils, commemorated the 7th African Day of School Feeding in collaboration with AUDA-NEPAD.

The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development of Nigeria, Hon. Sadiya Umar Farouq officiated the national level commemoration of the 7th African Day of School Feeding. In her address, the Minister declared that “Currently, the total number of children enrolled in the national home-grown school feeding programme in Nigeria stands at 9,881,773 million, in over 53,000 schools.”

Hon. Sadiya Umar Farouq also recognised the timeliness and key role to be played by the continental AUDA-NEPAD Guidelines for the Design and Implementation of Home-Grown School Feeding, that were launched earlier in the day by Dr Mayaki. “I commend AUDA-NEPAD for the development and successful launch of the AUDA-NEPAD Guidelines for Design and Implementation of Home-Grown School Feeding in Africa. The guidelines accurately outline good practices that are socio-culturally relevant, with a corresponding substantial value addition for the programme,” the Minister stated.

Princess Gloria Akobundu, National Coordinator and CEO of NEPAD Nigeria informed participants at the commemoration that Nigeria has done well in humanitarian social investment. “Stronger collaboration will give us greater results and NEPAD Nigeria, as well as AUDA-NEPAD at continental level will continue to provide technical assistance as needed,” she said.

Family photo with Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development of Nigeria, Hon. Sadiya Umar Farouq

Family photo with Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development of Nigeria, Hon. Sadiya Umar Farouq

Ms Kefilwe Moalosi, AUDA-NEPAD’s Nutrition Specialist highlighted the fact that there are five school feeding quality standards that form the organisational structure of the guidelines, namely:  i) policy and legal framework, ii) financial capacity and stable funding, iii) institutional capacity for implementation and coordination, iv) design and implementation, v) and community participation. The guidelines feature the essential elements within each standard that should be taken into consideration when planning and operationalising home grown school feeding programmes.

Home-Grown School Feeding, as one of the strategic programmes of AUDA-NEPAD, aims to link school feeding to agricultural development through the production and procurement of locally diverse foods, especially by small holder farmers. This way, home-grown school feeding fulfils multiple objectives in local agriculture, community engagement and economic development, food security, child nutrition, health and development, as well as better school attendance, retention and educability.


The draft AUDA-NEPAD Guidelines for the Design and Implementation of Home-Grown School Feeding Programmes in Africa can be downloaded at:



Ms Mwanja Ng’anjo| +27 11 256 3600 |