Oct 07, 2021 | News

Creating awareness on Biosafety and Biotechnology of Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa in Kenya

Creating awareness on Biosafety and Biotechnology of Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa in Kenya

AUDA-NEPAD in partnership with Kenya’s National Biosafety Authority and other partners carry out an awareness creation meeting on Biosafety and Biotechnology of Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa (VIRCA- resistant to Brown Streak Virus disease) among stakeholders from the Coastal region Kenya of Mombasa covering three counties Kwale, Kilifi and Mombasa from October 5-6, 2021, in Mombasa.

This meeting was mainly physically attended by 19 participants in total that included farmers’ representatives from Kwale County, Mombasa and Kilifi. Were also present cassava scientists, the Director of the KALRO Biotech Center and Principal Investigator of VIRCA, the Coast Cassava Breeder, representatives from the Kenya National Biosafety Authority including the CEO, AUDA-NEPAD staff and a representative from Program for Biosafety Systems.  

The VIRCA project is a collaborative program of the National Agricultural Research Institutes including KALRO from Kenya, National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) from Uganda and Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, USA.  

The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) submitted an application for environmental release of genetically modified disease-resistant cassava to Kenya’s National Biosafety Authority (NBA) and the application was approved for National Performance Trials. The last step before eventual commercial release of the GM cassava in Kenya is the approval by the National Seed Varieties Release committee. The purpose of this meeting was to create awareness and knowledge among stakeholders prior to commercial release of the GM cassava in the coastal region of Kenya.