Aug 07, 2020 | News

AUDA-NEPAD Strengthens Collaboration with Ecuador

AUDA-NEPAD Strengthens Collaboration with Ecuador

Johannesburg, August 6, 2020 – In strengthening the collaboration between Ecuador and the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), the agency’s CEO Dr Ibrahim Mayaki signed a letter of intent with H.E Maria Soledad Cordova, Ambassador of Ecuador in South Africa.

The agreement will serve as a framework for South-South cooperation and trilateral cooperation to facilitate collaboration between the parties on matters of common interest.

The key areas of collaboration in the agreement between AUDA-NEPAD and the Republic of Ecuador cover the implementation of programmes and projects in joint areas of cooperation. The signed letter of intent will see the parties exchange information and institutional strengthening through internships and exchange of young professionals.

Ambassador Cordova stated that Ecuador looks forward to the cooperation which is aimed at strengthening South-South collaboration.

“The agreement will enable us to contribute to economic development and social progress,” Dr Mayaki said.