The AU Guidance Note on Tracking and Measuring the Levels and Quality of Government Expenditures for Agriculture

The AU Guidance Note on Tracking and Measuring the Levels and Quality of Government Expenditures for Agriculture

The AU Guidance Note on Tracking and Measuring the Levels and Quality of Government Expenditures for Agriculture


The Heads of State and Governments of Africa committed to pursuing an agriculture-led development agenda enshrined in the Maputo Declaration of 2003. To this end, they committed to allocating at least 10% of their public expenditures to the agricultural sector. In 2014 at the Malabo Summit, the leaders of Africa reiterated their determination to uphold earlier commitments made to allocate at least 10% of public expenditure to agriculture, and to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness. The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) will continue to serve as the framework for promoting Africa’s agricultural development. The progress towards achieving the Malabo goals and targets will be tracked, monitored and reported using the CAADP Results Framework.