The High Level Panel Report on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa observed that Africa loses USD50 billion through illicit financial flows per annum. Towards implementation of the recommendation in the report and in line with the decision of the African Union Summit of June 2015, the NEPAD Agency organised the first regional dialogue on capacity building for tax and mining administration officers in the Western and Central African region. It is envisaged that this programme, designed for senior government officials, will contribute to improved tax policy design and better contract negotiation in terms of the extractive industries. Furthermore, the design of a pilot project to combat illicit financial flows commenced. Through a consultative meeting with a diverse group of stakeholders and partners, a mapping exercise of roles was undertaken. The major global development frameworks, including the SDGs, which are geared at an enhanced fight against poverty and a sustainable future, satisfactorily took into account Africa’s priorities, in part owing to a strengthened and united African position. African countries continue to receive support in pursuit of the targets defined in the global frameworks, within the framework of Agenda 2063. The NEPAD Agency, in collaboration with other partners, embarked on the design of implementation tools and guidelines to foster coherence and alignment of SDGs and Agenda 2063. The Financing for Development (FfD) conference in Addis Ababa in July 2015 came at a critical time. A central issue is how to reform the global financing system to allow the achievement of the SDGs by 2030. Africa’s renewal is premised on reforms of governance systems under the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). To date, 35 AU Member States have voluntarily acceded to APRM; 17 countries have been peer reviewed, while the second-cycle review process is in the pipeline. Going forward, the urgent task for APRM is the implementation of the National Programmes of Action (NPOA) arising from the peer review exercises. At the institutional level, the APR Secretariat is being strengthened through its integration into the African Union along with developing stronger collaboration and synergy with relevant regional organisations and programmes.