In line with the AU theme for 2015 on women empowerment, women’s skills and capacities in entrepreneurship were enhanced. This was achieved through a continental conference under the theme ‘Women in Entrepreneurial Development: A Must for Success of the SDGs in Africa’, organised by the NEPAD Agency. The conference highlighted the need to build vocational skills as a priority focus for empowering young women. Towards achieving the target set by African leaders of at least 25 million farm households practicing Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) by 2025, the Africa CSA Coordination Platform was established. The Africa Pavilion at COP 21 was a joint initiative of the NEPAD Agency, AfDB, AUC and the UNECA. NEPAD contributed an amount of EUR90 000 to the cost of the Pavilion and was either involved in or organised some of the events and meetings such as the African Heads of State high-level event, Africa Day, Financing Climate Change in Africa, Regional Flagship Programmes, Agriculture and Climate Change, Sustainable Land and Water Management, Launch of AFR100 (NEPAD, BMZ and World Resources Institute partnership), AMCEN and other bilateral meetings.