TerrAfrica Leveraging Fund (TLF): Through the intervention of the TLF by providing seed funding for financing activities contributing to the three TerrAfrica core areas,  the following results have been achieved:

  1. Coalition Building: the TLF has allowed strategic positioning of TerrAfrica as a contributorto the drylands and desertification agenda and particularly deepen its engagement to Africa’s drylands through partnerships such as the Great Green Wall Initiative (GGWI), and more recently through a broad coalition of partners for an African Resilient Landscape initiative. 
  2. Knowledge Support: TLF has supported SLM analytical studies, generated and disseminated best practices and tools, outreaches and trainings and south-south exchange learning and innovative multi-media communications. Examples of knowledge products include the Land for Life  magazine which presents 40 innovative case studies from all over the world, illustrating how degraded land can be restored; the Country Support Tool for scaling up sustainable land and water management in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Landscape Approaches for Enhancing Resilience in Africa’s Drylands manual. 
  3. Country Investments: TLF has supported the integration of SLWM into national environment and agricultural frameworks through the development of SLM Country Strategic Investment Frameworks (CSIF). Country SLM Investment Framework (CSIF) is an important operational tool for programmatic engagement. As a tool which countries can use to formulate comprehensive country programs for scaling up SLM, facilitated by TerrAfrica and SIP to contribute to the country’s development priorities, it has value addition in rallying multiple stakeholders around a common vision, and mobilizing investment financing through a programmatic approach

Contributions of non-governmental organisations: Since 2013, Sub-Saharan CSOs have developed and implemented a CSO coordination and capacity building programme inline with the requirements for implementing the TerrAfrica and UNCCD programmes of work; with five agreed thematic groups for all Africa: a) Agriculture, b) New & Renewable energies, c) Agroforestry, d) Gender and Sustainable Land Management, and e) Management and Conservation of Natural Resources.

Regional TerrAfrica Platform: the regional TerrAfrica platform has experienced good participation from 27 African countries. These are six more countries than under the initial planning cycle. 

Financing for SLWM: Significant financing for SLWM has been mobilised resulting from TerrAfrica’s contribution to the preparation of the two multi-country portfolios of programmes. The Strategic Investment Programme for SLWM (SIP) was launched in 2009 and is now ending, and the Sahel and West Africa Program (SAWAP) is ongoing.

SLWM M&E in SSA: A comprehensive framework for SLWM M&E in SSA has been prepared by NEPAD with UNEP support.

Regional BRICKS (Building Resilience through Innovation Communication and Knowledge Services) Project: BRICKS is the regional hub for the 1 billion Sahel and West Africa Program (SAWAP) in support of the Great Green Wall. It provides support to national SAWAP teams on knowledge management and sharing, M&E, and communication, through three implementing agencies (CILSS, IUCN and OSS).