Jun 27, 2024 | News

Spotlight on PIDA Water Projects at the 10th World Water Forum

The 10th World Water Forum, organised by the World Water Council and the Government of Indonesia, opened in Bali, Indonesia, under the theme “Water for Shared Prosperity.” Since its inaugural session in 1997 in Marrakech, the Forum has grown significantly, becoming an essential platform for addressing the global water crisis. This edition, with close to 10,000 participants, continued the tradition of fostering international cooperation on water issues.

On May 21st, on the margins of the 10th World Water Forum, AUDA-NEPAD partnered with UNESCO, Water Aid, and Water for People, and convened a side event titled “Water and Water Infrastructure for Development: Paving the Path for Water Security and Sustainable Development.” The session focused on strengthening project preparation capacities for increased water infrastructure development and climate-proofing infrastructure, featuring insightful case studies from Malawi and Ethiopia.

The session’s primary objective was to enhance the capacity for preparing water infrastructure projects and to integrate climate resilience into these projects. This objective aligns with the broader goals of Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) Water vision, which seeks to promote integrated water resource management and sustainable infrastructure development across Africa.

Africa’s Strategic Priorities at the Forum

African nations faced unique challenges and opportunities in water management, necessitating focused discussion at international platforms like the World Water Forum. Africa’s strategic priorities included:

  • Building Trust and Enhancing Cooperation: Ensuring fair and equitable access to water resources through cooperation among African countries.
  • Mobilising Resources: Making water an investment class to close the funding gap and provide citizens with potable drinking water.
  • Sustainability and Resilience: Ensuring the sustainability and resilience of water infrastructure through integrated water resources management.

Africa’s Participation and Preparatory Work

Under the auspices of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), and various river basin organisations, Africa prepared extensively for this Forum. For example, Egypt led a special session on addressing water issues through scientific research and applied solutions. The African Union Commission convened a discussion on “Mobilising Political Commitment for Accelerating Climate Resilient Water Investments in Africa.”

Africa’s participation in the 10th World Water Forum was crucial for addressing immediate water challenges and influencing global water policy. The forum presented an opportunity to enhance Africa’s voice in the global water discourse and forge partnerships that drive meaningful progress.