May 17, 2021 | News

NEPAD@20: Message by H.E. Paul Kagame

NEPAD@20: Message by H.E. Paul Kagame

This year marks 20 years since the foundation of African continental institutions. In May 2001, the African Union was founded to replace the Organisation for African Unity (OAU). A few months later in July 2001, NEPAD was created. NEPAD’s mission was to eradicate poverty and integrate Africa into the global economy with a focus on good governance.

We pay tribute to the distinguished leaders who spearheaded the establishment of NEPAD from Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal, and South Africa. Many other leaders rallied around the NEPAD cause in the following years. 

I thank the partners who have supported NEPAD over the last two decades both in Africa and beyond. I call on Member States to continue supporting the multiple partnerships that AUDA-NEPAD has developed. AUDA-NEPAD’s agreement with the new CFTA Secretariat is of particular importance. Honouring our statutory commitments as Member States is not only our duty it is good value for money. Doing so also facilitates resource mobilisation more broadly.

Dr Ibrahim Mayaki has led NEPAD with integrity and commitment for more than a decade. I wish to close by thanking him for his extraordinary service to our organisation and to our continent. 

I thank you.