May 18, 2021 | News

NEPAD@20: Message by H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat

NEPAD@20: Message by H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat

Let me begin by wishing you sincere wishes for health and prosperity at the beginning of 2021; a year that brings hope for change and marks the beginning of a new, prosperous, and peaceful era for Africa and all of humanity. 

Today we celebrate the 20th anniversary of NEPAD in the context of a new global and human enemy. Humanity as a whole has rallied around a common goal to fight COVID-19 – a crisis that is exacerbating every day. While the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic differ from one region of the world to another, it affects both the poorest and the richest countries the same. The pandemic proves to us that the interconnectedness of humanity is indeed a reality. The rapid and intense spread of the coronavirus has revealed to us that we are all affected by globalisation, which has accelerated since the end of the 20th century. Indeed, we have consistently advocated for closer and concerted efforts in terms of international and multilateral cooperation, with the knowledge that such a catastrophe on a global scale is possible. 

In Africa, the main priority of the past two decades has been regional integration, cooperation, and collaboration among Member States to address the continent’s development priorities, as outlined in the AU›s Agenda 2063.

It is in this context that NEPAD was born. The successful transformation of NEPAD is evidence for its maturation. The Programme adjusted in line with Africa›s changing economic and social context. Today, NEPAD is the development agency of the African Union, with the main aim to improve the operational effectiveness of the AU and bring the continent closer to Africa›s new long-term vision - Agenda 2063. 

Namely, to:

  • Serve as the continent›s technical interface with all of Africa›s stakeholders and development partners;

  • Provide knowledge-based advisory services and technical assistance to African Union Member States and Regional Economic Communities to strengthen their capacity;

  • Act as the continent›s technical interface on policy development recommendation and implementation with partners and stakeholders;

  • Undertake the full range of resource mobilisation;

  • Coordinate and execute priority regional and continental projects enshrined in Agenda 2063 with the aim of accelerating regional integration so as to achieve «The Africa we want”.

With the launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on 1 January 2021, the role of the African Union Development Agency has become more crucial and highlights the need to realise an integrated and prosperous Africa, as outlined in Agenda 2063. In this context, accelerating regional integration, infrastructure, productivity, and human capital development are the priorities for the development Agency. The week of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) just ended and highlighted some of NEPAD›s achievements. There are many other successful NEPAD projects in the areas of agriculture, education, health, technological innovation, data, and knowledge management that have supported AU Member States. 

Indeed, there are many achievements of NEPAD, but so are the challenges. This anniversary comes at a time when the AU is implementing necessary political and institutional reforms to adjust to the difficult socio-economic realities facing the continent, but also and above all, ensuring that Africa is able to address its medium to long-term challenges. 

The NEPAD@20 Symposium is timely. It is important to take stock of the achievements and the challenges NEPAD has faced over the last two decades and assess the capacities needed for the Agency to fully carry out its mandate. 

I cannot conclude my remarks without congratulating the CEO, Dr Ibrahim Mayaki, and his entire team for organising this event which I think will no doubt be a landmark event. Finally, let me pay tribute to Dr Mayaki as he prepares to leave our organisation after more than a decade of service to our continent. Dr Mayaki, NEPAD will forever be grateful for your leadership, this institution has undergone an unprecedented transformation and has positively impacted AU Member States and the citizens of this continent.

We are deeply grateful and wish you every success in your new ventures.