Aug 13, 2024 | News

Message from the AUDA-NEPAD CEO for International Youth Day

On this International Youth Day, we celebrate the vibrant energy, creativity, and potential of Africa's youth—the driving force behind our continent's future.

The African Youth Charter recognizes the rights of young people to social, economic, political, and cultural development, as well as their determination to transform the continent as we move towards 2063.

Energize Africa, an AUDA-NEPAD initiative rooted in the spirit of Pan-Africanism, is here to turn that recognition into action. By harnessing the creativity, digitization, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit of young people—whether in technology, mining, e-commerce, or other key economic sectors—this initiative is designed to expand income opportunities through job creation, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

We strongly believe that youth are at the forefront of Africa's economic growth and inclusive development. Therefore, we are committed to providing African youth with a wealth of opportunities to empower and uplift themselves. This includes access to education and skills training, support in sciences and technology, celebration of African youth leadership, and enhancing youth participation in public policy and decision-making.

Let us continue to energize Africa by investing in our youth.

Let us recognize them as the catalysts for achieving the Africa We Want.

Happy International Youth Day!

“The youth are the backbone of the nation; they must be encouraged to play their full part in building the country.” — Julius Nyerere