Jun 20, 2023 | News

Integrated Vector Management (IVM) Expert Consultation on the Advisory Panel

AUDA-NEPAD, through the Integrated Vector Management (IVM) programme held the first Expert Consultative meeting on the establishment of the Advisory Panel in Maputo, Mozambique from 30th to 31st March 2023. The meeting had Malaria Experts, Entomologists, Biosafety Experts, Scientists and the IVM Secretariat in attendance.

The overarching goal of the consultation was to serve as an information-gathering session where the experts deliberated on how best to finalize the formation of the Africa IVM Advisory Panel of Experts. This engagement was also used to build a better understanding of the emerging research and development (R&D) tools whilst exploring how best to utilize them to effectively control malaria through the development of a continental platform for genetically modified practices in Africa.

There was consensus amongst the experts that to ensure the best health outcomes of the emerging technologies, there is a need for collaboration from all relevant experts and stakeholders in the process. The consultative meeting also provided an opportunity to collectively reflect on the proposed roles and responsibilities of the Africa IVM Advisory Panel of Experts.

“In terms of collaboration we have a lot to do in order to benefit from the best practices we have from the other partners, but we are confident that from the pathfinders in gene drive and malaria, we are going to find solutions for vector disease management,” mentioned Prof. Aggrey Ambali, Senior Advisor of the IVM programme during his remarks.

A key point that was cemented during the meeting was the significance of communicating the human health value proposition of the emerging vector control technologies, whilst taking into consideration the biosafety and environmental issues. Additionally, the experts discussed and analyzed the overall structure of IVM to elicit a common understanding of the programme structure, then proceeded to conduct a brainstorming session on the composition of the Advisory panel.

To date, AUDA-NEPAD continues to work closely with Member States to provide strategic and technical support with the aim of improving vector management and control in the continent. The expectation is that moving forward, there will be harmonized and strengthened regulatory frameworks for emerging technologies to control and eliminate vector-borne diseases.