Jun 19, 2024 | News

Implementation of the African Leaders Meeting (ALM) Declaration on Health Financing

The upcoming meeting on the implementation of the African Leadership Meeting (ALM) Declaration on Health Financing, set for June 19-22, 2024, in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, represents a crucial step in improving health systems and financing in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region. This engagement, organized by AUDA-NEPAD along with the Africa Business Council, the Federation of West African Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and the Africa Import-Export (Afrexim) Bank, will focus on strengthening the role of the private sector in health financing. Since the ALM Declaration in 2019, there has been a push to increase domestic investment in health, improve financial management, and create favorable environments for private sector investment.

This meeting will gather a diverse group of participants, including private sector organizations, health ministries from ECOWAS countries, development partners, and experts in health financing. It will provide a valuable platform for stakeholders to engage in meaningful discussions, share best practices, and develop strategies to boost private sector investment in health. The discussions will aim to deepen understanding of the ALM Declaration's commitments, particularly the role of regional health financing hubs in supporting these goals.

Better collaboration between the public and private sectors will help align private health initiatives with national health priorities. This coordination will ensure that investments are directed toward the most impactful areas, such as fighting major diseases, improving maternal and child health, and enhancing health infrastructure. Such alignment is key to achieving universal health coverage.

Increased private sector involvement is anticipated. Through creating a more supportive investment climate, the meeting will attract more private capital into the health sector. This will be achieved through the strong private sector involvements. This influx of investment can drive innovation in healthcare, from developing new medical technologies to expanding healthcare services in underserved areas. Private investment can also strengthen the capacity of health systems to respond to health emergencies by ensuring necessary resources and expertise are available.

Successful private sector engagement models from across West Africa and other regions will be highlighted, offering valuable lessons and strategies that can be replicated. This sharing of knowledge is essential for building the capacity of local health sectors to effectively engage with private investors and make the most of their contributions. Developing a strategic framework for private sector engagement in health will guide countries and regional bodies in creating environments that attract private investors, ensuring that investments are both profitable and aligned with public health goals.

During the meeting, a 2024/2025 action plan for private sector engagement in health will be developed. This plan will provide a clear roadmap for future efforts, outlining specific steps to enhance private sector involvement in health financing. Key areas such as improving regulatory frameworks, enhancing government-private sector engagement, and increasing access to financing and health markets will be addressed. This strategic direction will help ensure sustained progress in achieving health financing goals.

The outcomes of the Abidjan meeting are expected to include improved coordination of private sector engagement in health, new strategies for expanding private sector investment, and a comprehensive action plan for the coming years. These outcomes will lead to more effective and efficient health systems, resulting in better health outcomes for people in the ECOWAS region. Enhanced health financing will support the delivery of high-quality healthcare services, improve health infrastructure, and ensure the availability of essential medicines and technologies.

In conclusion, the upcoming meeting marks a significant milestone in the advancement of health financing and systems across West Africa. By fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and developing strategic actions, this initiative will play a pivotal role in achieving universal health coverage and improving health outcomes throughout the region. Strengthening the role of the private sector, supported by favorable investment climates and robust public-private partnerships, will drive innovation and efficiency in healthcare delivery. This, in turn, will ensure the enhancement of overall health and well-being in communities within the ECOWAS region.

For more information, contact: Norman Khoza NormanK@nepad.org | Nqobile Zwane NqobileZ@nepad.org