Jul 18, 2024 | News

Enhancing Partnership: AUDA-NEPAD and AfCFTA Secretariat Re-Affirm their Commitment to Joint Planning and Implementation

The African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat signed an agreement to bolster their collaboration in implementation of the AfCFTA. This collaboration stems from consultations held in June 2023 in Durban, South Africa, aimed at developing a Joint Work Plan inspired by the 2023 African Union Theme of the Year, “Acceleration of AfCFTA Implementation,” and aligned with the Second Ten Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063. This strategic partnership underscores the commitment of both organisations to drive regional economic integration and growth across the continent.

The signing of this agreement heralds a new phase of deepened cooperation between AUDA-NEPAD and the AfCFTA Secretariat.  Senior officials from both institutions convened in Accra, Ghana, from July 15-17, 2024, to review the implementation status of various collaborative activities and establish priorities for the next twelve months.

The updated Joint Work Plan outlines nine critical areas of collaboration, including:

  • The development of the AIDA/AfCFTA Standard Impact Assessments Guide Continental and Regional Supply/Value Chains
  • Trade Enabling Infrastructure: Transport and Logistics Network
  • African Single Electricity Market
  • Trade Facilitation
  • Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises
  • Tourism, Creatives and Cultural Services
  • Private Sector Engagement
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Knowledge Management and Learning
Enhancing Partnership: AUDA-NEPAD and AfCFTA Secretariat Re-Affirm their Commitment to Joint Planning and Implementation

Furthermore, the partnership aims to mobilise resources and coordinate efforts with African Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the private sector, and development partners to ensure the accelerated implementation of the AfCFTA. This agreement represents a significant step forward in realising the goals of Agenda 2063, fostering economic integration, and driving sustainable development across Africa. Regular consultations and reviews will ensure the smooth running of this cooperation, marking a pivotal moment in the journey towards a more integrated and prosperous African continent.