May 13, 2024 | News

Empowering Africa's Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Future: ASTII Visit to Lund University Accelerating STISA, SDGs 9 & 17, and the AU-EU Innovation Agenda

In the pursuit of Africa's socio-economic empowerment, a dedicated delegation from the African Union Development Agency - New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD), accompanied by the AU Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation (AOSTI) and the UNESCO Chair in African Integration and Innovation (Tshwane University of Technology, Institute for Economic Research on Innovation (TUT/IERI), prepares for a technical journey to Lund, Sweden. This visit, scheduled from May 13th to 17th, 2024, signifies the collaboration between Lund University and AUDA-NEPAD through the African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) programme, driven by cooperation and innovation with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Their collective aim is to reshape Africa's socio-economic landscape by harnessing the power of science, technology, and innovation (STI) and to welcome the cohort of twenty-one (21) ASTII national focal point experts involved in research and innovation data management and policy development.

At the heart of their efforts is a meticulously designed graduate-level capacity-building program on Innovation, Transformation, and Resilience for Sustainable Development. This program aims to explore the transformative impact of innovation on economic development and social resilience. It serves as a cornerstone within AUDA-NEPAD's overarching initiative, ASTII. Since its inception in 2007, ASTII has been dedicated to strengthening Africa's capacity to develop and utilize STI indicators for informed decision-making. To date, ASTII activities not only support the current STI Strategy for Africa (STISA2024, soon STISA2034) but also Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 9 and 17, including the 10-year AU-EU Innovation Agenda under implementation adopted in 2023.

Empowering Africa's Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Future

Through ASTII, and acknowledging the critical significance of innovation in sustainable development, AUDA-NEPAD focuses on cultivating the adoption of globally recognized STI indicators, nurturing both human and institutional capabilities, and sharing vital insights into the STI landscape across Africa. Notably, these endeavors harmonize perfectly with Agenda 2063, Africa's strategic roadmap for achieving prosperity and inclusivity.

In this dynamic context, the collaboration between Lund University and AUDA-NEPAD serves as a pivotal element in achieving ASTII's objectives. Through this partnership, the graduate-level capacity building programme explores the transformative role of innovation in shaping economies and enhancing social resilience in low-income countries. This programme, part of ASTII, aims to strengthen Africa's capacity in utilizing STI indicators for strategic decision-making, aligning with Agenda 2063's vision for a prosperous Africa. The programme, funded by SIDA and AUDA-NEPAD, strives to produce a community of best practice to enhance Africa’s National Innovation Systems. Through collaboration with Lund University, AUDA-NEPAD paves the way for a brighter, more prosperous Africa, where innovation thrives and opportunities abound for all.

Ultimately, upon completion of this programme, participants evolve into essential members of a thriving community dedicated to best practices, ready to ignite transformative change throughout Africa. By seizing networking opportunities both within the continent and with institutions involved in the Swedish Innovation System, they position themselves at the forefront of shaping Africa's STI landscape. This alignment with the objectives of Agenda 2063 sets them on a trajectory toward realizing the vision of 'The Africa We Want.'

STI emerges as a potent driver of progress, presenting avenues for sustainable development and inclusive growth. Through engaging dialogues and the exchange of insights, the AUDA-NEPAD delegation aims to discover innovative solutions to the complex challenges confronting Africa.

Central to their mission is a firm belief in the efficacy of partnerships. By cultivating alliances with stakeholders in Sweden, the delegation endeavors to bridge divides and cultivate collaboration that transcends borders. Together, they envision a future where knowledge is shared seamlessly, ideas are exchanged effortlessly, and resources are utilized to enact impactful change across Africa.

During their discussions, the delegation will delve into the critical role of STI in driving socio-economic transformation and discuss the joint ASTII-SIFA Executive module on innovation and entrepreneurship. Through focused policy dialogues, capacity-building initiatives, and knowledge-sharing platforms, the aim is to ultimately create an environment conducive to innovation. The goal is to empower local innovators, entrepreneurs, and researchers, thereby unlocking Africa's complete STI potential.

This mission strongly echoes the principles of Agenda 2063, Africa's strategic blueprint for socio-economic transformation. By advocating for STI, the delegation aligns closely with Agenda 2063's vision of a prosperous, peaceful, and unified Africa led by its own people and capable institutions. Through their endeavors, they aim to contribute to the fulfillment of Agenda 2063's vision, paving the way for a future where Africa's limitless potential is fully realized.

Together, let us chart a course towards a brighter, more prosperous Africa, where the transformative power of science, technology, and innovation unlocks boundless opportunities.

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