Jun 19, 2024 | News

Creating an Enabling Environment for Biosafety Regulation in Rwanda

Rwanda is committed to ensuring that the recently passed law governing biosafety in Rwanda is implemented in line with best practices. In view of this, the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), through the support provided by AUDA-NEPAD, recently hosted a three-day workshop in Kigali from 6 to 8 May 2024, focusing on enhancing biosafety regulation through the development of relevant orders as provided in the law. Attended by representatives from various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Environment, Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB), and other relevant ministries, the workshop aimed to review the key regulatory orders essential for biosafety governance.

Central to the agenda was the review of the draft Prime Minister Order establishing the National Biosafety Committee and the draft Ministerial Order determining modalities for permit application, requirements, and procedures. These orders are crucial for implementing Rwanda's biosafety law, creating an enabling environment for biosafety regulation.

Participants engaged in constructive discussions, aligning the drafts with the national biosafety law and standard best practices. Moving forward, the drafts will be improved based on feedback, validated, translated into the official languages, and submitted for approval. These follow-up actions emphasize the need for continued support and capacity strengthening of the regulators and relevant stakeholders on biosafety regulation in Rwanda.

AUDA-NEPAD, through the African Biosafety Network of Expertise, reiterates its continued support in ensuring that an enabling environment for biosafety regulation is created and sustained in Rwanda. This will contribute to increased agricultural productivity and better food nutrition thereby boosting the country’s capacity towards overcoming its food safety and insecurity challenges, hence such support will fast track the delivery of Africa’s transformation as encapsulated in Agenda 2063.