May 23, 2024 | News

Conversation with Felix Moukoko, Young Volunteer

Felix MoukokoCould you briefly outline your scope of work at AUDA-NEPAD?

The duties as a research assistant involved supporting the integrated vector management (IVM) Africa secretariat in fulfilling its mandate, strategic aims, and objectives. Before this role, responsibilities included assisting the supervisor of the AUDA-NEPAD Development Fund (AUDF). The AU Youth Volunteer (AUYV) work at AUDA-NEPAD encompassed preparing reports, organising meetings and missions, liaising with stakeholders, drafting concept notes and invitation letters, conducting research and idea brainstorming, as well as offering recommendations and suggestions for problem-solving. The work was assigned by the Africa IVM secretariat and the AUDF department.

What does being a youth volunteer within the organization entail?

Engaging as a youth volunteer involves dedicating your expertise, time, and energy to serve both the organisation and the continent. It entails committing a portion of your life to leveraging your skills and vitality for the betterment of the continent. During my time at AUDA-NEPAD, I was afforded the opportunity to contribute to the continent's development through my involvement in the IVM program and the AUDF. Despite the wealth of experience held by experts around me, I consistently found myself encouraged to voice my opinions and express myself. My input was valued and considered, even as a volunteer. I never felt marginalised or sidelined due to my volunteer status; respect and responsibilities were clearly defined, and the team and organisation embraced creativity. This experience provided me with a steep learning curve.

How long was your tenure, and how was the experience, considering the diversity of the staff members?

During my tenure, which spanned two and a half years, I gained invaluable experience. The diversity among team members, encompassing variations in nationality, gender, religion, expertise, age, and culture, significantly enhanced my professional growth. As a global citizen and young African, I believe that the ability to collaborate effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds is essential for success. This reality was vividly evident during my time at AUDA-NEPAD. Engaging with such diversity not only broadened my perspective but also fostered cultural awareness and strengthened team dynamics within the organisation's programs. I consider this diversity to be a significant asset that enriches the organisational culture at AUDA-NEPAD. In summary, my experience was profoundly enriching.

Can you provide a brief overview of the mandate of the Programme you were supporting?

The African Union Development Fund was tasked with creating a fund to pioneer innovative financing mechanisms aimed at mobilising sufficient resources for the effective and coordinated implementation of impactful national, regional, and continental development projects.

The mandate of the IVM Programme is to establish and operationalise a continental platform facilitating robust collaboration between the health sector and other relevant sectors. This collaboration aimed to enhance vector control efforts effectively. A primary focus of this program was to strengthen regulatory capacity across Africa. The objectives of these programs are closely aligned with those of AUDA-NEPAD.

In your opinion, how has your work contributed to the attainment of the overall vision of Agenda 2063?

Malaria and other vector-borne diseases pose significant obstacles to sustainable development and economic progress. By addressing these challenges and supporting member states and regional economic communities (RECs) in combating malaria while bolstering regulatory capacity in innovative biocontrol technologies, we take crucial steps towards realising the vision of Agenda 2063. This effort aligns with the goal of fostering a prosperous continent and facilitating rapid transformation across Africa. As a volunteer with the IVM programme, I've had the privilege of contributing to this dynamic initiative, which resonates deeply with the aspirations of Agenda 2063.

Moreover, the innovative financing mechanisms implemented by the AUDA-NEPAD Development Fund (AUDF) also play a pivotal role in advancing a prosperous Africa that is self-sufficient and sustainably financed. This, in turn, directly contributes to the overarching vision outlined in Agenda 2063.

As a young person, what are your thoughts on AUDA-NEPAD's initiative Energise Africa?

It presents an avenue to unleash the potential of African youth and enable their active engagement on the continent. Encouraging the spirit of Pan-Africanism is crucial, motivating young individuals to participate in the continent's development endeavours. Energise Africa offers youth a platform to contribute to the implementation of AUDA-NEPAD's flagship and priority projects, spanning both public and private sectors across Africa. Leveraging youth potential plays a pivotal role in reshaping the continent and realising the objectives of Agenda 2063. This initiative addresses pertinent issues such as unemployment, research and development, entrepreneurship, as well as ensuring gender and geographical representation. Energise Africa serves as a continental platform for young professionals, institutions, and entities to enhance innovative solutions, skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. It underscores the recognition that youth are indispensable partners in Africa's sustainable development, peace, and prosperity, with a distinct contribution to offer for the continent's present and future progress.

Share with us one memorable moment within AUDA-NEPAD that you will always treasure because of the impact it had on you.

One unforgettable moment during my time at AUDA-NEPAD was the Office of Science and Technology (OSTI) retreat, which left a lasting impact on me. This retreat served as a pivotal event, setting the tone and direction for the year ahead. It provided me with invaluable insights into the various programs within the directorate, the organisational processes of AUDA-NEPAD, and most importantly, introduced me to the diverse individuals who make up the organisation.

Coming from the regional office, the retreat offered me a rare opportunity to connect with colleagues from headquarters and gain a deeper understanding of the strategic vision and objectives of the office. Additionally, it fostered discussions around identified challenges and recommended solutions, setting a proactive tone for our collective efforts moving forward. 

What made this experience truly memorable was its timing, just a month before I embarked on my work with the IVM programme in Dakar. This allowed me to approach my new role with clarity and confidence, armed with a broader perspective on the expectations of the department and the steps to take throughout the year.

Moreover, beyond its informative aspects, the retreat served as a platform for relationship-building. It was my first encounter with many members of the team and organisation, and I believe it laid the foundation for strong team spirit. Overall, the OSTI retreat was not only a moment of learning and preparation but also one of bonding and unity, contributing significantly to the impact I was able to make during my time with AUDA-NEPAD.