Sep 20, 2023 | News

Call for Concept Notes: Cocoa, Maize, Livestock

Are you working in the cocoa, maize, or livestock (cattle, sheep, goats) sectors in a member state of the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific states? Are you from the private sector, with a high interest in resilience, competitiveness, or direct supply linkages with off-takers for sustainability?

Do you have an innovative idea that makes the above-mentioned value chains less fragmented, more inclusive, particularly for women and youth, sustainable, and profitable? This also includes innovations for by-products of the sectors.

Then this is a unique opportunity for you to realize your goal!

Matching Grant Fund (MGF)

By applying for this MGF, you can obtain funding to realize your project idea in the named value chains!

For all MGF projects, the maximal contribution channeled via ABF will account for up to 50% of the total project budget. This contribution can go up to 200.000 €.



Competitive “Matching Grant Fund” (MGF) mechanism


Who can apply?

As lead applicants:

  • Processing company
  • Agricultural producer/Farmer's organization
  • National or international retailer companies

As consortium partners: 

  • Private sector foundations
  • (Micro) Financial institutions
  • Qualified NGOs
  • Training or research institutions or extension agencies

Read the guidelines here

When & how to apply?

Documents to fill and send back via between 18th September 2023 and 10th November 2023, 11:59 pm GMT:

  • Template for concept note (Annex 1)
  • Letter of Intent (Annex 2)
  • Working aid: Contribution Excel sheet (Annex 4 - please use Annex 3 as a guideline on how to fill it)

Please find the application documents below in our download section.

Click here to apply