Jun 25, 2024 | News

AUDA-NEPAD Supports a Biosafety Technical Consultative Meeting in Zambia

AUDA-NEPAD Supports a Biosafety Technical Consultative Meeting in Zambia

The National Biosafety Authority of Zambia in partnership with AUDA-NEPAD organized a stakeholders’ consultative meeting to harmonize views on the development of regulatory guidelines for Genome Editing and Stacked Gene technologies in the country, from 6th to 7th June 2024 in Lusaka. 12 stakeholders from the areas of policy, academia, and regulation participated in the meeting.

The meeting specifically aimed to clarify how regulatory guidelines for Genome Editing and Stacked Gene Events could be incorporated into the draft biosafety legislation under review. It also sought to initiate national guidelines that can adequately regulate the use of the two gene technologies.

Constructive discussions during the meeting led to the adoption of the best approach to generate a zero draft of the two guidelines (Genome Editing Guidelines & Guidelines for Stacked Gene events). The meeting also designed a road map for subsequent meetings. The National Biosafety Agency on its behalf, on behalf of the Ministry of Environment and Green Economy and other stakeholders, was highly appreciative of the technical support from AUDA-NEPAD.

The adoption of such regulatory instruments may pave the way for the safe use of genome editing and stacked gene technologies to significantly boost agricultural development in Zambia. The outcomes of the guidelines thus align with the Aspirations of the African continent as stipulated under Agenda 2063, specifically in Aspiration 1- A prosperous Africa, based on inclusive growth and sustainable development and Goal 3- Healthy and well-nourished citizens.