Jun 26, 2023 | News

AUDA-NEPAD convenes 12th Annual Meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee for her Flagship Biosafety Programme

AUDA-NEPAD convenes 12th Annual Meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee for her Flagship Biosafety Programme

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of AUDA-NEPAD’s flagship programme for biosafety held its 12th annual meeting from 8 to 9 June in Harare, Zimbabwe to review progress made thus far and provide advice in implementing strategic interventions to support the functionality of biosafety systems in member states. The TAC has representation from multistakeholder groupings including member states, the public and private sector, and the African Union.

In her opening remarks, Ms Estherine Fotabong, Director of Agriculture, Food Security and Environmental Sustainability welcomed participants on behalf of the AUDA-NEPAD CEO. She highlighted the importance of the biosafety programme in addressing member states’ priorities and how the programme objectives align with Agenda 63 goals, in particular, sustainable development and economic growth through the safe use of relevant emerging technological tools and techniques.

Dr Doug Buhler, on behalf of Michigan State University, stated the need to take advantage of the lessons learned over the years to move forward more effectively. He also highlighted the importance of science, technology and innovation (STI) for Africa and the rest of the world and reiterated the need for a better public understanding of their contribution to development.

Mr Lawrence Kent, from BMGF, a partner of the programme, commended the programme for the progress made particularly in developing regulatory tools for emerging technologies such as genome editing technology. He also pointed out the need to strive to achieve more going forward.

Dr Dave Keetch, the Chair of TAC, welcomed participants and commended the ABNE team for their continued efforts in the implementation of the programme. On behalf of TAC, he congratulated Mr Timpo on his promotion as Head of the AUDA-NEPAD Regional Office in Dakar and also Head of the Biosafety Programme, and wished him every success in his new position. He also expressed the sincere gratitude of TAC to Dr Jeremy Ouedraogo for his leadership and achievements during his tenure as Head of the Biosafety programme in the past seven years.

At the end of the meeting, TAC commended progress and recommended strategies and priorities to optimize the effective implementation of the work plan.  

The AUDA-NEPAD biosafety programme is implemented through a project called the African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE). ABNE is designed to support African countries develop functional biosafety regulatory systems that will allow them to make informed decisions on biotechnology and emerging gene technologies such as gene drive and genome editing. Safely harnessing these technological tools may help the African continent leapfrog in the achievement of some of the critical goals encrusted in Agenda 2063, in particular regarding Aspiration 1 which envisionsa prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development, and Goal Number 5, which targets “Modern agriculture for increased productivity and production.”