May 19, 2018 | Project

Rede Mulher


Amount: € 240,000.00

The objective of the Rede Mulher (RM) project was to contribute towards the promotion of equal rights between men and women in Angola. The RM project trained members of civil society organisations on issues of gender mainstreaming and human rights pertaining to women and women living with HIV/AIDS. Rede Mulher organised monthly meetings with affiliate members to synergise activities and exchange knowledge. Participants from affiliate organisations were trained on national and international treaties such as CEDAW, the Beijing Platform for Action and the Millennium Development Goals. Furthermore, RM held sensitisation sessions with participants from government departments, parliament and from the office of the Attorney General on the need to establish appropriate mechanisms for the protection of women who are victims of domestic abuse. 

Key Results

Reached 5000 women and 250 men of which 260 were members of governmental organisations and institutions such as National Police, magistrates and lawyers on issues pertaining to Gender Based Violence through information sessions.

Participants of these training sessions were empowered with knowledge towards addressing and championing for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.