Progress in Kenya:

Developed and validated of Country Action Plan and Investment Prospectus 

 NEPAD Kenya in conjunction  with NPCA coordinated stakeholders consultations in June 2014 on creating conducive enabling environment for private-public investments in the  energy  sector  as well  as identifying priority projects to attain the SE4ALL goals for  Kenya, based on a SEA4ALL Action Plan

A Validation Workshop was scheduled to take place on the 12th to 13th of March 2015 to bring together key energy stakeholders to deliberate on and validate the Action Agenda (AA) and Investment Prospectus (IP) for SE4ALL in Kenya. The AA and IP reports have been developed for Kenya with resources from BizClim/NEPAD Project and UNDP in collaboration with Africa SE4ALL hub partners. Participants were drawn from both local and international energy stakeholders invited from Africa-wide organizations, Regional Economic Communities (RECS) and national public, private, civil society and development partners. The validation process main objective was to give the Kenyan Energy Stakeholders the opportunity to ensure that the AA and IP developed represent the country set targets of achieving SE4ALL, Government planned agenda of action and the identified priority energy projects."

Country selection