Undertook the Measuring the Cost of Hunger in Africa: Ghana was among the second phase countires (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Rwanda) to implement the COHA study. The overarching objective of the multi-country study led by the AUC, NEPAD, WFP and UNECA, is to catalyse coordinated action and inform the design of nutrition-oriented policy frameworks and programmes, with greater investments to eradicate child undernutrition on the continent.

10 findings from the “Measuring the Cost of hunger” study in the first and second phase countries:

  1. Africa's share in the world's undernourished population has increased from 18 to 28 percent.
  2. Only one in five children suffereing from undernutrition occur before the child reaches the age of one year.
  3. Most health costs associated with undernutrition occur before the child reaches the age of one year.
  4. Between 7 to 18 percent of repetitions in schoold are associated with stunting.
  5. Stunted children achieve 0.2 to 1,5 years less in school edication.
  6. 8 to 33 percent of all child mortality is associated with undernutrition.
  7. Child mortality associated with undernutrition has reduced national workforces by 1 to 13.7 percent.
  8. 40 to 67 percent of current working-age population suffered from stunting as children.
  9. The annual costs associated with child underbutrition are estimated at 1.9 to 16.5 percent of the equivalent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  10. Improving the nutritional status of children is a priority that needs urgent policy attention to accelerate socio-economic progress and development in Africa. 
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