Advocacy and Strengthening of Negotiation Capacities on Post-2015 Development Agenda through the Common African Position (CAP)

Development and Piloting of an Africa Extractives Capacity Assessment Framework (ECAF)

Programme for Enhancing Use of Country Results Frameworks

Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) Planning Meeting. The two-year programme takes place in three regions: Africa, Asia and Latin America under the umbrella of the Global Partnership Initiative on Results & Mutual Accountability (GPI-R&MA), co-chaired by Switzerland and Bangladesh.  For Africa, under the auspices of the Africa Platform for Development Effectiveness (APDev), the NEPAD Agency is the regional coordinator of the initiative, and brought together seven (7) pilot African countries for experience sharing and learning towards the enhanced use of CRFs for impact of development cooperation. Further, the initiative assisted the pilot countries with practical recommendations on how to integrate accountability for results at the country level into SDGs implementation.

Country selection