African Union High Level Panel on Emerging Technologies

African Union High Level Panel on Emerging Technologies

APET is an 8-member strong team of eminent continental experts tasked to advise the AU, its Member States and its various organs on current and emerging issues associated with the development and application of emerging technologies. Its specific remit is to provide recommendations to the African Union on how emerging technologies should be harnessed. 

APET, as a pathfinder Think Tank and Strategic Initiative of AUDA-NEPAD, advises the AU and its Member States on harnessing emerging technologies for economic development. Apart from offering advice to the AU and its Member States on harnessing emerging technologies for economic development, APET also makes recommendations on the nature of regional institutional arrangements that are required to promote and sustain common regulatory approaches to the application and use of (and propose a strategy and policy on) innovation and emerging technologies in Africa.



Members of the High-Level African Panel on Emerging Technologies


Yaye Kène Gassama, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal


Panel Members

Abdallah Daar, Emeritus Professor, University of Toronto, Canada ‎​

Berhanu M. Abegaz, former Executive Director, African Academy of Sciences, Ethiopia​

Francine Ntoumi, Director, Fondation Congolaise pour la Recherche Médicale, Congo-Brazzaville​

Karim Maredia, Professor and Director of the World Technology Access (WorldTAP) Program, Michigan State University (MSU), USA​

Rachel Chikwamba, Vice President/Group Executive at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa​

Roseanne Diab, Director, GenderInSITE, former Executive Officer of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)​

Shireen Assem, The Agricultural Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute (AGERI), Egypt



Justina Dugbazah (Coordinator) – AUDA-NEPAD

Barbara Glover - AUDA-NEPAD

Chifundo Kungade - AUDA-NEPAD

Andriette Ferreira - AUDA-NEPAD

Mahama Ouedraogo – African Union Commission

Monica Idinoba – African Union Commission

Hambani Masheleni – African Union Commission