Capacity Building: 
•    NEPAD-SANBio conducted 13 training courses/workshops with 291 participants from 19 countries.
•    Activities held within H3ABionet include those with countries outside SANBio members states; Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria, Tunisia and Tanzania. Publications. Conference attendance and various working groups e.g. Education and Training WG, Curriculum Development WG, Genome Analysis WG. As part of H3ABionet we also attend consortium meetings of H3Africa.
•    Collaboration between countries within and outside the region: SANBio participated at the meeting between South Africa and Madagascar. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss mutual areas of collaboration for the purpose of formalizing the South Africa-Madagascar Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) bilateral relationship. This will be through the process of signing of a formal STI bilateral agreement in the first quarter of 2015.  The meeting provided SANBio, access to the senior government officials and to assess the priorities in Biosciences research and development. The focus areas of mutual interest that both countries agreed to cooperate on as a beginning of the cooperation include: 

  •     Bio-Economy (Biotechnology and Indigenous knowledge systems)
  •     Renewable Energy
  •     Information Communication and Technology
  •     Mining; and 
  •     Astronomy

•    Ms Dumile Dlamini from the Mushroom Development Unit in Swaziland was trained in database management at SPGRC, involving  other regional and international partners such as Nordic support, Biodiversity  International.
•    Collaborations on projects: Microbicides for HIV infection control – CSIR, University of Zimbabwe, SIRDC (Zimbabwe), University of Botswana, and National Institute of Communicable Diseases (South Africa). Project: Scientific validation of traditional remedies for HIV/AIDS – Traditional health practitioners (Zambia), National Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (Zambia), National AIDS Council (AIDS), Ministry of Health (Zambia), Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority (Zambia), Medical Research Council (South Africa), CSIR, University of Zambia, University of Lesotho, University of Swaziland, and University of Malawi.