A methodology was developed to integrate agricultural public expenditure processes into the Agricultural Joint Sector Review process. Furthermore, as a complementary tool to the revised AU Guidance Note on Agricultural Public Expenditure Review, a guide was developed to promote relatively resource-light and more frequent reviews in the agricultural sector. A network of experts in Agricultural Public Expenditure was launched. The network will provide online and on-site support to Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and countries on undertaking public expenditure reviews in the agricultural sector. A continental framework for Agricultural Education Skills Improvement (2015–2025) was developed. The framework aims to enhance human capital as a key driver in agricultural transformation. Implementation will commence in 2016. As a measure to promote alignment of national and regional policies and strategies in the fisheries sub-sector, a Policy Framework and Reform Strategy (PFRS) was developed in collaboration with the AU Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR). In addition, the indicators to monitor the progress of alignment, as well as a mechanism to support its implementation were developed. A continental platform, the African Platform for Regional Institutions for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Systems (APRIFAAS) was established. The platform will co-ordinate and facilitate systematic exchange of information between regional fisheries, aquaculture and aquatic institutions; improve dialogue between the different stakeholders; and strengthen the voice of the African stakeholders on fisheries and aquaculture matters in international fora as well as in dialogue processes with partners. A methodology for trade corridor analysis of fish and fisheries products was developed and validated by a continental think tank. Draft Guidelines were developed to guide countries in domesticating the continental-level Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Results Framework. The Guidelines highlight an integral component of review, learning and mutual accountability.