May 28, 2024 | Blog

Harnessing Drones to Combat Malaria: A Promising Strategy to Save Lives in Africa

Harnessing Drones to Combat Malaria: A Promising Strategy to Save Lives in Africa

This is the 8th post in a blog series to be published in 2024 by the APET Secretariat on behalf of the AU High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET)

Malaria, a vector borne disease, poses a significant health threat in Africa, with millions of lives lost each year to this preventable and treatable disease, with the region accounting for the majority of worldwide malaria infections which stood at 294 million in 2022. Malaria is transmitted by the bites of infected mosquitoes and disproportionately affects Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2022 the region accounted for nearly 95 percent of the world’s 608,000 Malaria fatalities[1].  The African Union recognises Malaria as a major threat to the achievement of the continent's Agenda 2063, which seeks to end Malaria in Africa by 2030.[2]

The African continent has made several advancements in its fight against Malaria. These include increased funding from African governments and international organisations for malaria prevention and control efforts. Secondly, the extensive distribution of treated mosquito nets being implemented across many African countries has resulted in increased coverage and usage of treated bed nets that help protect individuals from mosquito bites, particularly during sleeping hours when malaria-carrying mosquitoes are most active. 

In many parts of the continent, indoor residual spraying (IRS) is successful in lowering mosquito populations and the spread of malaria. IRS is spraying insecticides on a building's walls and ceilings to kill insects that come into contact with these surfaces. Reducing malaria-related morbidity and death requires access to timely and efficient treatment. Many regions of Africa have seen progress in efforts to increase access to antimalarial medications, notably artemisinin-based combination treatments (ACTs).[3] These factors highlight the significance of ongoing, coordinated, and creative action to move the continent closer to eliminating malaria.[4] Even though there has been considerable progress in the fight against malaria in Africa, there are still obstacles to overcome, including the persistently high disease burden, the emergence of new vectors, and the need to strengthen health systems.

Thus, while traditional methods of malaria prevention and control have made progress, innovative approaches are needed to tackle the persistent challenge of mosquito-borne infections. One such groundbreaking strategy that holds promise is the use of drones to target mosquito populations and reduce the spread of malaria in African communities. Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), offer a novel and efficient way to combat malaria by delivering targeted interventions to remote and hard-to-reach areas. These unmanned aircraft can be equipped with various technologies, such as insecticides, larvicides, and surveillance tools, to specifically target mosquito breeding sites and populations. By precisely deploying these interventions, drones have the potential to disrupt the mosquito life cycle and reduce the incidence of malaria transmission.

One key advantage of using drones in malaria control efforts is their ability to cover vast and inaccessible areas quickly and effectively. In regions with challenging terrain or limited infrastructure, drones can navigate rugged landscapes and reach isolated communities to deliver essential mosquito control measures. This technology can complement existing vector control strategies, such as insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying, by providing a targeted and complementary approach to controlling mosquito populations.

Furthermore, the use of drones in malaria control can enhance surveillance and monitoring efforts to track mosquito populations, disease prevalence, and intervention effectiveness in real-time. By collecting and analysing data from drone-based operations, healthcare workers and researchers can make informed decisions, optimise resource allocation, and tailor interventions to specific malaria hotspots, ultimately improving the efficiency and impact of malaria control programs.

As the fight against malaria in Africa continues, the incorporation of drone technology offers a unique opportunity to revolutionise mosquito control strategies and accelerate progress towards malaria elimination. By harnessing the potential of drones to target mosquito populations, reduce malaria transmission, and save lives, we can move closer to achieving a malaria-free future for the continent.

A significant challenge to health and the battle against malaria is climate change. Malaria transmissions are rising as a result of rising temperatures and precipitation. A hotter, more humid environment promotes the growth of parasites and mosquitoes, raising the danger of malaria for millions of people. Other notable challenges include drug resistance by mosquitos to the insecticide, as well as late diagnosis of malaria infections.

To address the challenge posed by climate change on the malaria burden outdoor spraying is one of the key recommended interventions which most African countries have deployed to kill and reduce the number of malaria-giving mosquitos. Outdoor spraying is done in an attempt to disrupt the mosquito life cycle. Reducing the number of mosquitos can limit the number of mosquitos that can transmit malaria to people. Most of the spraying on the continent is done using handheld sprayers.  However, outdoor spraying may not be successful in all mosquito breeding places, particularly in heavily populated regions with complex infrastructures.  Additionally, mosquito larvae can grow in small, concealed water sources, making it difficult to target every possible breeding site. In addition, using handheld sprayers is tedious and cannot cover huge areas.

To effectively utilise the effectiveness of outdoor spraying, the African Union High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET) a body mandated by AU heads of state and government is advocating for African countries to accelerate the harnessing of new and emerging technologies such as drones to be used for outdoor spraying of mosquitos.  According to APET the use of drones in mosquito control signifies a significant shift in African countries approach to treating vector-borne illnesses. The panel argues that drones use cutting-edge technology to provide exceptional precision, efficiency, and scalability in mosquito surveillance and intervention.

APET opines that the detection and treatment of mosquito breeding areas is one of the most potential uses of drones in mosquito control. Hence drones with high-resolution cameras and sensors are able to quickly scan broad regions, including places that are inaccessible or difficult to reach, such marshlands or deep woods. The panel argues that through the examination of information gathered from these surveys, officials are able to identify areas of still water where mosquitoes thrive. Certain places, such as roofs, or places with a lot of vegetation, may be hazardous or impossible for people to reach around doors. These areas are however easier for drones to approach, enabling extensive spraying without endangering human operators. With less chemical consumption and more precise application, drones can help lessen the environmental effects of spraying. Drones have the potential to limit the quantity of pesticides that penetrate the surrounding ecosystem by eliminating overspray and improving spray patterns.

One of the countries that has demonstrated the importance of drones in the fight against mosquitos is Rwanda. The country registered a staggering 1.8 million cases for its 12.5 million population in 2020.[5] To reduce malaria cases by 90% over the next nine years, the nation is using drones to target, spray and destroy mosquito larvae that may be carrying the malaria parasite. The government and a drone technology company, Charis Unmanned Aerial Solutions, are collaborating on this initiative. Between July 2020 and February 2021, the Rwanda Ministry of Health observed mosquito larvae density and malaria cases during the experimental program. According to their Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases Report, there was a significant decrease of 89.6% in the average density of mosquito larvae. Additionally, the method reduced mosquito populations by about 92.8% in some cases. In areas that were sprayed, the incidence of malaria was likewise shown to have decreased by 90.6%.[6]

In conclusion, the use of drones to destroy mosquito populations and reduce malaria in Africa represents a cutting-edge approach that leverages technology to combat a longstanding public health challenge. Through collaboration, innovative research, and strategic implementation, drones have the power to transform the landscape of malaria control and bring us closer to a world where malaria is no longer a threat to the health and well-being of African communities.


Featured Bloggers – APET Secretariat

Aggrey Ambali

Justina Dugbazah – The Sahara Institute, Accra, Ghana

Barbara Glover

Bhekani Mbuli – University of Johannesburg

Chifundo Kungade

Nhlawulo Shikwambane 








