Feb 14, 2024 | Blog

Creating An Enabling Environment And Utilizing Technologies For Sewage And Wastewater Management In Africa

Creating An Enabling Environment And Utilizing Technologies For Sewage And Wastewater Management In Africa

This is the 2nd post in a blog series to be published in 2024 by the APET Secretariat on behalf of the AU High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET)

The 21st century marks a significant turning point for Africa, characterized by rapid urbanization. The number of African cities has surged from 3,300 to 7,600 since 1990, accompanied by a cumulative population growth of 500 million.[1] These cities are not only the youngest but also the most rapidly evolving globally. Amidst this urban boom, a pressing challenge emerges - the effective management of wastewater and sanitation. Recent years have witnessed a notable shift towards modern wastewater and sewage treatment systems in Africa, driven by concerns for public health, the environment and sustainable development.

Access to sanitation, hygiene, and clean drinking water - collectively known as WASH - is essential for human health and well-being. This is a key focus of the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063, particularly Aspiration 1, Goal 2, which aims for sustainable development and inclusive growth to improve living standards and the quality of life in Africa. AU Member States are committed to providing clean water and sanitary conditions, which are foundational to effective sanitation.[2] Sewage systems, consisting of hydraulic components like pipelines, manholes, pumps, stations, retention basins, and control structures, play a vital role in collecting and disposing of wastewater responsibly.

The increase in population and economic activity has led to higher water consumption and wastewater production, causing significant pollution. Furthermore, outdated, or insufficient sewage infrastructure in many African cities has resulted in an uncontrolled release of untreated sewage into rivers and other water bodies.[3] Strengthening sewage infrastructure is crucial for public health, environmental preservation, economic development, and overall well-being of people in Africa.[4]

Unfortunately, the state of most African sewage systems is precarious, particularly in major African cities such as Accra, Ghana; Johannesburg, South Africa; and Lagos, Nigeria.[5] Key factors contributing to the deterioration include ageing sewer infrastructure, rapid urbanization leading to excessive effluent discharge and unsustainable practices by the population. Addressing these issues requires adopting emerging technologies and innovative solutions. The African Union High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET) advocates for the immediate adoption of these technologies by all AU Member States to improve sewage management across the continent.

APET notes that AI-powered solutions offer promising prospects for addressing Africa’s ageing sewage management infrastructure. Some African countries are following the APET recommendations in this regard. In Ghana’s capital, Accra, for example the AWAS platform employs AI to integrate sensor data from sewer networks with weather forecast capabilities. These capabilities facilitate proactive maintenance, resulting in a notable reduction of overflows and spillage by 40%.[6]  Similarly, in South Africa, the startup Uju utilizes AI and drones for advanced sewer pipe inspections, pre-emptively identifying potential failures and minimizing disruptions.[7] Meanwhile, in Nairobi, Kenya, AquaWatch optimizes wastewater treatment plant operations through AI analysis, thereby enhancing treatment efficiency and curbing energy consumption.[8]

Egypt is at the forefront of sustainable wastewater management, revolutionizing its approach with state-of-the-art sludge conversion facilities and AI-powered green technologies.  This is spearheaded by the newly developed Gabel El-Asfar treatment plant, which is capable of processing 2.5 million cubic meters of wastewater daily.  Thus, this initiative transcends simple infrastructure upgrades. It uplifts livelihoods by creating a cleaner environment and fostering economic opportunities, while effectively combatting water contamination, safeguarding public health, and protecting water resources. Additionally, the plant harnesses innovation to generate renewable energy from wastewater, hence reducing reliance on fossil fuels and shrinking Egypt’s carbon footprint. This forward-thinking approach not only benefits Egypt but also sets a precedent for global environmental stewardship, showcasing the power of collaboration between technology and responsibility in solving wastewater challenges worldwide.[9]

Across Senegal and Morocco, AI-equipped leak detectors and smart meters detect and pinpoint leaks, thus improving water distribution network efficiency and promoting responsible consumption. Globally, examples from Singapore and the Netherlands demonstrate AI’s efficacy in optimizing water treatment, predicting demand, and safeguarding water quality.[10] APET observes that this approach exemplifies the potential of utilizing AI solutions to augment sewer management systems and bolster infrastructural capabilities.

Despite AI's potential, challenges such as data availability, affordability, and capacity building remain. Overcoming these hurdles and promoting collaboration is essential for maximizing AI's benefits for clean water and sanitation in Africa.[11] Additionally, integrating AI with existing infrastructure, addressing ethical considerations, and empowering communities on responsible water usage are crucial for sustainable impact and development.

APET advocates for the utilization of ultrasonic sludge disintegration technology as an additional solution to manage waste water and enhance the functionality of sewage systems in Africa. This method involves breaking down the structure of sludge, facilitating easier treatment and disposal. Particularly in the activated sludge process, ultrasonic sludge disintegration can improve sludge dewatering and settling, leading to more effective and economical treatment.[12]

To promote the integration of AI and ultrasonic sludge disintegration for Africa’s wastewater management, APET proposes several initiatives.  For example, the panel suggests that AU Member States pilot projects where local water technology companies, research institutions, and universities explore adoption of AI and ultrasonic sludge disintegration in wastewater treatment plants. This would allow the AI technology to optimize treatment parameters while ultrasonic technology enhances sludge processing efficiency. Additionally, partnering with regional water authorities in Africa could demonstrate the combined solutions’ effectiveness in diverse contexts, showcasing scalability and adaptability.

Globally, countries such as Singapore and the Netherlands have integrated ultrasonic sludge disintegration. For example, AI-powered treatment processes in Singapore’s PUB and Dutch water boards’ water quality monitoring systems are enhancing sludge management and contributing to sustainable water practices.[13] Nonetheless, challenges such as pilot testing costs, technology integration, and environmental impact assessment need to be addressed, particularly, in the African context. By addressing these challenges and fostering collaboration, the combined approach of AI and ultrasonic sludge disintegration holds promise for optimizing wastewater management in Africa and improving public health, and environmental outcomes. Additionally, partnerships with international development agencies, local manufacturing of ultrasonic technology, and continuous research are vital for long-term sustainability and efficacy.

Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) offer another innovative solution, generating energy, reducing operational costs, and supporting sanitation and job creation. The eThekwini Water and Sanitation pilot project in South Africa illustrates the benefits of MFCs, which significantly reduces energy consumption and aligns with renewable energy goals by generating clean electricity from organic matter in wastewater. This technology not only improves wastewater treatment efficiency, but also contributes to the renewable energy sector, thus underscoring its potential impact on Africa's sanitation and energy sectors.[14] The project demonstrates a notable reduction in energy consumption and costs, with MFCs generating up to 30% of the electricity needed for plant operation, thereby decreasing reliance on grid power, and aligning with South Africa’s renewable energy goals.[15] Additionally, MFCs contribute to renewable energy generation by producing clean electricity from organic matter in wastewater, leading to improved wastewater treatment efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

The South Africa project also facilitates knowledge sharing and capacity building, promoting wider adoption of the technology and training local personnel on MFC operation and maintenance. Despite challenges such as initial investment costs and optimization, ongoing research and development efforts and collaboration among stakeholders indicate the potential for MFCs to offer sustainable sanitation, clean energy generation, and improved public health across Africa. Positive feedback from international organizations such as the World Bank further underscores the global potential of MFCs, highlighting their promise as a solution to address Africa’s sanitation and energy needs.[16]

In Ghana, the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly in collaboration with Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana is exploring MFCs for decentralized wastewater treatment, which yields significant benefits for the region. The benefits include improved sanitation and public health through decentralized treatment, reduced pollution, and potential pathogen reduction. Additionally, MFC implementation promotes environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on traditional treatment methods, recovering resources, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.[17] Economic benefits and community development are evident, with MFCs offering cost-effective solutions, job creation opportunities, and community empowerment.

Specific outcomes from the Ghana project demonstrate the feasibility of MFCs for treating domestic wastewater, capacity building through training initiatives, and data collection for further optimization. Meanwhile challenges such as scalability, affordability, social acceptance, and long-term operation and maintenance require attention for successful implementation. In essence, the project showcases MFCs’ potential for decentralized wastewater treatment in Africa, aligning with national sanitation strategies and emphasizing the need for further research, collaboration, and international support to maximize its impact.

In Senegal, a collaboration between the Institut Sénégalais de Recherche Agricole (ISRA) and Dutch researchers is testing MFCs for wastewater treatment and rural electrification. This project promises improved sanitation, public health, reduced water pollution and renewable energy generation. Other benefits include economic benefits and community development and empowerment, with improved livelihoods, and job creation opportunities. Specific outcomes from the project include confirming MFC effectiveness in treating wastewater, capacity building through training ISRA researchers, and informing MFC design optimization. Overall, the Senegal project demonstrates MFCs’ potential for rural sanitation and energy challenges, thus aligning with national electrification strategies and emphasizing the need for further research, collaboration, and international support.[18] However, challenges such as scalability, affordability, community engagement, and long-term operation and maintenance need to be addressed to ensure sustainable implementation.

APET acknowledges MFCs' vast potential but notes challenges like high initial costs, technical expertise, scalability, and wastewater composition. However, a cost-benefit analysis suggests that long-term savings and environmental benefits tend to outweigh these initial investments. African startups have opportunities to innovate with MFC technologies, thereby providing services and creating financing models to overcome investment barriers.  MFCs offer a path to address sanitation challenges, generate clean energy, and create jobs, thereby contributing to sustainable development in Africa. Capacity building, policy support, and stakeholder collaboration are essential for realizing MFCs' full potential in transforming wastewater management, fostering environmental sustainability, economic growth, and improved public health.[19]

To enhance wastewater management in Africa, policymakers and investors should focus on several key areas. This includes acknowledging the significance of reclaimed wastewater and establishing transparent guidelines and standards for its safe utilization across various sectors. This effort should be complemented by public awareness initiatives and incentives to encourage private sector engagement in leveraging reclaimed water resources. Additionally, strengthening sewage management infrastructure demands augmented investment in modernization efforts and the development of national sanitation plans with specific targets.

In conclusion, APET recommends that AU Member States develop enabling policy and regulatory frameworks by harmonizing regulations and implementing mechanisms to hold industries accountable for wastewater treatment at national, regional, and continental levels. The panel further encourages countries to harness the expertise of developmental and regional organizations, public as well as the private sector at national level.  Most importantly, countries are urged to foster community awareness, ownership, and engagement by promoting participation in decision-making processes and empowering communities to manage decentralized treatment systems at the local level. These measures will collectively contribute significantly to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for the African continent.



Featured Bloggers – APET Secretariat

Aggrey Ambali

Justina Dugbazah - The Sahara Institute

Barbara Glover

Bhekani Mbuli

Chifundo Kungade

Nhlawulo Shikwambane 


[1] https://www.afdb.org/en/documents/africas-urbanization-dynamics-2022-economic-power-africas-cities

[2] https://www.nepad.org/blog/water-sanitation-and-hygiene-revolution-africa-using-smart-technologies

[3] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/clen.201300208

[4] Masindi, T.K.; Gyedu-Ababio, T.; Mpenyana-Monyatsi, L. Pollution of Sand River by Wastewater Treatment Works in the Bushbuckridge Local Municipality, South Africa. Pollutants 2022, 2, 510-530. https://doi.org/10.3390/pollutants2040033

[5] https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frsc.2023.1032459/full

[6] https://ijsrst.com/paper/v2i5.pdf

[7] https://dronenews.africa/drone-technology-and-bridge-inspection/

[8] https://www.aquatechtrade.com/news/wastewater/unlocking-wastewater-using-ai

[9] https://www.afdb.org/en/news-and-events/egypt-turning-wastewater-into-wealth-the-african-development-bank-promotes-green-technology-climate-change-mitigation-19096

[10] https://www.gihub.org/infrastructure-technology-use-cases/case-studies/ai-for-process-optimization-for-water-treatment/

[11] Fu, Guangtao & Sun, Siao & Hoang, Lan & Yuan, Zhiguo & Butler, David. (2023). Artificial intelligence underpins urban water infrastructure of the future: A holistic perspective. Cambridge Prisms: Water. 1. 1-35. 10.1017/wat.2023.15.

[12] https://www.wrc.org.za/wp-content/uploads/mdocs/TT%20752-18.pdf

[13] https://www.pub.gov.sg/-/media/Images/Feature/Content-Pages/Resources/R-and-D/InnovationWater_vol1.pdf

[14] https://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/ethekwini-unveils-renewable-energy-and-water-reuse-pilot-plants-9a6d8214-d3eb-4cef-a924-5934763b6db8

[15] https://www.durban.gov.za/press-statement/City+Prepares+to+Pilot+Innovative+Off-Grid+And+Minimal+Water+Sanitation+Technologies

[16] Wuni, Ibrahim Yahaya & Shen, Geoffrey. (2019). Critical success factors for modular integrated construction projects: A review. Building Research and Information. 48. 763-784. 10.1080/09613218.2019.1669009.

[17] Castro, Cynthia & Goodwill, Joseph & Rogers, Brad & Henderson, Mark & Butler, Caitlyn. (2014). Deployment of the microbial fuel cell latrine in Ghana for decentralized sanitation. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 4. 663-671. 10.2166/washdev.2014.020.

[18] De La Cruz-Noriega, M.; Benites, S.M.; Rojas-Flores, S.; Otiniano, N.M.; Sabogal Vargas, A.M.; Alfaro, R.; Cabanillas-Chirinos, L.; Rojas-Villacorta, W.; Nazario-Naveda, R.; Delfín-Narciso, D. Use of Wastewater and Electrogenic Bacteria to Generate Eco-Friendly Electricity through Microbial Fuel Cells. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10640. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151310640

[19] Bikram Jit Singh, Ayon Chakraborty, Rippin Sehgal, A systematic review of industrial wastewater management: Evaluating challenges and enablers, Journal of Environmental Management, 348, 2023, 119230, ISSN 0301-4797, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119230.